Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain.

In May, the nuns announced that they had joined a sedevacantist pseudo-bishop.

The delegation consisted of Sister Carmen Ruiz, Secretary of the Federation of Poor Clares of Our Lady of Aránzazu, Don Rodrigo Sáiz, representative of the Pontifical Commissioner, Don Carlos Azcona, Notary of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, accompanied by the Notary María Rosario Garrido.

First, Sister Belén received the visitors at the revolving window where the person opposite cannot be seen. Then, Sister Sión received them in a small room.

They asked to speak to the ex-abbotess, Sister Isabel, who informed them through Sister Belén that, with the exception of the notary, the other visitors were "not welcome" and should leave the convent.

She warned that she would call the police if they refused. When they did, she called the police. The notary, María Rosario Garrido, was allowed to enter another room inside the convent, where she handed over some documents, both civil and canonical.

Meanwhile, Sister Carmen Ruiz and Carlos Azcon waited outside the convent, and Don Rodrigo Sáiz remained inside until the police arrived and then left of his own accord.

The Archdiocese of Burgos said that calling the police could be interpreted as an act of hostility.

Despite this, the papal commissioner maintains his intention to seek a solution through dialogue and understanding.

Obedience in all legitimate things. -St. Maximilian Kolbe
Be warned....sedevacantism is as poisonous as the most potent snake venom - and just as deadly. May God deliver these dear Sisters and their Convent out of its necromantic clutches.
Tony M
Believing a Pope can be a serial, manifest, pertinaceous heretic, and can be involved in idol (pachamama) worshipping within the Vatican grounds (without any public expression of regret or repentance), and do, say & write all the heretical & scandalous things Jorge has done from the Chair of Peter over the last 11 years IS DEADLY!!! Bergoglio is in stark contrast and opposition to the good & holy …More
Believing a Pope can be a serial, manifest, pertinaceous heretic, and can be involved in idol (pachamama) worshipping within the Vatican grounds (without any public expression of regret or repentance), and do, say & write all the heretical & scandalous things Jorge has done from the Chair of Peter over the last 11 years IS DEADLY!!! Bergoglio is in stark contrast and opposition to the good & holy Popes of history. He is the opposite of them!!!
Even if an evil pope were sitting on the Chair of St. Peter's this would not invalidate the divine office. One cannot be Catholic without the Pope.
Tony M
I didn't say evil Pope ...I said heretic....there have been a number of evil Popes who were not heretics.
Mortal sin does not separate a person from the Church....heresy does!!!
Heresy is both objective in that it deviates from orthodoxy, and subjective in the individual who holds to the heterodox ideas. Many do not know that their understanding is heresy. That is the responsibility of the clergy and bishops to correct the individual. Still if the person persists, they are not a heretic until they have been questioned and declared so formally under canon law. Until the …More
Heresy is both objective in that it deviates from orthodoxy, and subjective in the individual who holds to the heterodox ideas. Many do not know that their understanding is heresy. That is the responsibility of the clergy and bishops to correct the individual. Still if the person persists, they are not a heretic until they have been questioned and declared so formally under canon law. Until the cardinals summon the Pope to trial and convict him of heresy we cannot call him a heretic albeit he may hold to heretical ideas and give heretical statements.
Francis is dangerous. How many body bags behind him. NO ONE HAS ANY DUTY TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM. SELF DEFENSE.
Aaron Aukema
So...why is the position that the Church cannot promulgate error or harmful teachings poisonous? Because THAT is what sedevacantism really says: that the Church is indefectable, and thus when error is taught (as in Nostrae Aetate, Unitatis Redintegratio, and Lumen Gentium, as well as in the General Institution of the Roman Missal--especially of 1969, not to mention Amoris Laetitia, et al), it NOT …More
So...why is the position that the Church cannot promulgate error or harmful teachings poisonous? Because THAT is what sedevacantism really says: that the Church is indefectable, and thus when error is taught (as in Nostrae Aetate, Unitatis Redintegratio, and Lumen Gentium, as well as in the General Institution of the Roman Missal--especially of 1969, not to mention Amoris Laetitia, et al), it NOT of the Church. If a pope teaches error officially to thr faithful, or promotes a harmful practice, he cannot, objectively speaking, be the pope. The mechanism is such a thing is not necessarily relevant.

To hold that a valid pope, who is the proximate rule of Faith, can officially teach, not just heresy, but error and harmful doctrines, and can legally condone gravely sinful acts is poisonous. Catholics are supposed to look to the pope for guidance on Faith and morals, lest they fall into heresy. If they can't trust the pope, then they can't trust anyone. If they can't trust the Pope, they cannot trust the Church, which the pope heads.
Jeffrey Ade
"The Archdiocese of Burgos said that calling the police could be interpreted as an act of hostility." I would say asking an uninvited guest to leave and they do not to hostile!
There's SO many clergy I want to call the police on. Go Sister!