V2 Bishop Carol Wojtyla- As JP2 Worships With Pagans

Here is a sample of the pagans that JP2 Worshipped with at Assisi: "Pope John Paul II and the representatives of the world’s religions, including a Crow Indian medicine man from Montana and an African animist witch doctor, pledged Monday to work for peace."

"As part of his private prayer ceremony in the small church of San Gregorio, the elderly medicine man blessed spectators who volunteered to join his ceremony by laying a ritual fan of feathers on their heads and chanting an American Indian prayer in the Crow language.".
"...from a platform in Assisi’s Renaissance city hall.
In his prayer, the witch doctor cursed “all the wicked persons who frustrate this laudable effort made to achieve peace,”
(LA Times)
Pius XI recalled in the 1928 encyclical Mortalium Animos, [the] Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics.
St. Paul, "Bear not the yoke with unbelievers."
Ludovic Denim
John Paul 2 can't be in heaven as he was canonised by Francis who has been elected not validly. We all know that Pope Benedict XVI still has the "munus" and is the Pope.
Be Ye Separate
Yes, the demonic modernists mock and attack, the Holy Church of our Holy Christ, Jesus.
False Francis, who defiled the Altars and grounds dedicated to our Almighty God in Rome, by heading the worship of a demonic goddess, he is the apostate who makes a false saint of JP2. JP2 as we know, also defiled Altars and grounds dedicated to Almighty God in the honor of a True Saint: the beautiful soul, …More
Yes, the demonic modernists mock and attack, the Holy Church of our Holy Christ, Jesus.
False Francis, who defiled the Altars and grounds dedicated to our Almighty God in Rome, by heading the worship of a demonic goddess, he is the apostate who makes a false saint of JP2. JP2 as we know, also defiled Altars and grounds dedicated to Almighty God in the honor of a True Saint: the beautiful soul, faithful St. Francisco of Assisi.
Among the many pagans that JP2 Worshipped with, were Hindus and Jains. Both these cults worship multiple gods.
The lawless one, "Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:
That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.'
-The Holy Word of Almighty God. (St. Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians)
Be Ye Separate
Can a man lead the worship of a devilish pagan goddess, defiling Almighty God's Altars at the Vatican, and be the head of Jesus our Christ's Holy Church, at the same time?
Yes or no? @F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
@Ludovic Denim Says you not God, His Church, Apostles Peter & Paul, and the authority of Pope Francis.
@Be Ye Separate
As soon as you answer mine, we can continue to have a conversation. And I believe I have already answered you.More
@Ludovic Denim Says you not God, His Church, Apostles Peter & Paul, and the authority of Pope Francis.

@Be Ye Separate
As soon as you answer mine, we can continue to have a conversation. And I believe I have already answered you.
Be Ye Separate
Below you quoted the Christian Bible.
Your False Francis praised the Quran and worships in satanic mosques.
You said you were his follower, do you flip a coin, whether you will quote the Christian Bible or the demonic Quran? @F M Shyanguya
Ludovic Denim
@FMSHyanguya : the only reason why there is Pope Francis is this one : Fatima, 3ème Secret Benedict XVI was forced out by the Bank of Italy and despite that he announced his resignation, he kept the munus and is still the valid Pope.
Also, you can't be right in front of Our Lady of la Salette who in 1846 spoke about a Pope (Benedict XVI) and his successor (Francis) by telling us that they won't …More
@FMSHyanguya : the only reason why there is Pope Francis is this one : Fatima, 3ème Secret Benedict XVI was forced out by the Bank of Italy and despite that he announced his resignation, he kept the munus and is still the valid Pope.

Also, you can't be right in front of Our Lady of la Salette who in 1846 spoke about a Pope (Benedict XVI) and his successor (Francis) by telling us that they won't be there seeing the Triumph of the Catholic church.
This Triumph is soon and never before since her apparition in 1846 there was a Pope and his successor at the same time. The Mother of God can't be wrong as God who gave her the informations can't be wrong and cheat on us.
Francis is possibly the antechrist, but at least an antichrist through his declarations like Abu Dhabi and not a valid Pope elected with the help of the mafia of Saint Gallen.
F M Shyanguya
@Be Ye Separate
I do not know what you intend to achieve by your snide remarks. So that I leave the Church? It is clear she means nothing to you. Shuddering. Worse, you diss her. I am going no where
Penny Catechism - investing in one might help your faith if any still remains - No 85
Q. Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?
A. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ.
Has been and always …More
@Be Ye Separate
I do not know what you intend to achieve by your snide remarks. So that I leave the Church? It is clear she means nothing to you. Shuddering. Worse, you diss her. I am going no where

Penny Catechism - investing in one might help your faith if any still remains - No 85

Q. Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?
A. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ.

Has been and always will be and through any and all of his unfaithful Chief Stewards.
F M Shyanguya
@Ludovic Denim
The Antichrist must necessarily be a Jew and married and with heirs and a political leader. [Cf Mashiac in Judaism and Church Fathers].
I have read La Salette and it says nothing of what you have written.More
@Ludovic Denim
The Antichrist must necessarily be a Jew and married and with heirs and a political leader. [Cf Mashiac in Judaism and Church Fathers].

I have read La Salette and it says nothing of what you have written.
Be Ye Separate
Q. Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?
A. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ.
We agree on this.
Your slander, "It is clear she means nothing to you. Shuddering. Worse, you diss her."
No I absolutely love my One Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church.
Me pointing out the absurdities and blasphemies of False Francis, is love of my Church.
As you do, many have pointed out that we have had …More
Q. Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?
A. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ.
We agree on this.
Your slander, "It is clear she means nothing to you. Shuddering. Worse, you diss her."
No I absolutely love my One Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church.
Me pointing out the absurdities and blasphemies of False Francis, is love of my Church.
As you do, many have pointed out that we have had lousy or even unfaithful popes before.
False Francis is not just a careless steward, he has publicly headed the worship of a pagan goddess at our most important Church= apostasy.
I do not want you, me or anyone to leave the one true Catholic Church.
FRANCIS THE BLASPHEMER HAS LEFT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, he is leading souls to numerous perversions, to satanism, to Hell.
(My above comment was to show the absurdity of following False Francis)
Almighty God bless you and your decisions.
Ludovic Denim
@FM Shyanguya : the Antechrist must be a Jew and who knows who is and who is not ? Pope Paul VI was one like John Paul 2 and most Catholics never heard about that. The Antechrist will be hard to recognize for most peoples given that they will be seduced by him, and it's clear he's at our door now. Every sincere Catholic can deduce it just by seeing the mask imposed like a balloon trial for the coming …More
@FM Shyanguya : the Antechrist must be a Jew and who knows who is and who is not ? Pope Paul VI was one like John Paul 2 and most Catholics never heard about that. The Antechrist will be hard to recognize for most peoples given that they will be seduced by him, and it's clear he's at our door now. Every sincere Catholic can deduce it just by seeing the mask imposed like a balloon trial for the coming mark of the beast.

You don't have read very well La Salette or you don't have knowledge of the full script of La Salette if you don't find the sentence " (I found it on the spot by typing it on the web browser...) :

The Holy Father will suffer a great deal. I will be with him until the end and receive his sacrifice.

“The mischievous would attempt his life several times to do harm and shorten his days but neither him nor his successor will see the triumph of the Church of God."

The Pope is obviously Benedict XVI and the successor Francis.

Our Lady of La Salette should have spoken of the successor as a Pope too if he were, but Francis wasn't validly elected like it's also prophesied about him in the prophecy of Saint Malachie.

It's the only time in the history since the apparition of La Salette (recognized by the Catholic church) that there is a Pope and his successor at the same time at the Vatican.

It's also soon the "Triumph of the Catholic Church", but the Triumph is not through Francis that is ruining Her and destroying Her like the bad council of Vatican 2 that made lose the faith to most peoples as prophesied by Saint Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

The Triumph wasn't seen since the apparition of La Salette in 1846 because the Catholic Church was always falling since then. The freemason Cardinal Rampolla was nearly elected to the throne in 1904 and Pope Saint Pius X, despite all his good works against the Modernists, said that they were still loosing field daily. The Triumph didn't come also through Vatican 2 that was made by Modernists and will come only after Francis and after Benedict XVI as Our Lady of La Salette said they won't be there to see it and certainly not before a few years... There is nearly no more Traditional Mass nor congregations as Francis destroyed nearly all of them that were still pursuing the Traditional rite. Francis is gearing the way to the Antechrist if he's not him himself and that's what most should be aware of.
F M Shyanguya
@Be Ye Separate Please God you get to heaven. We know that Pope St John Paul II is there. What are you going to do?
Cf Rom 8:33-35More
@Be Ye Separate Please God you get to heaven. We know that Pope St John Paul II is there. What are you going to do?

Cf Rom 8:33-35