
Amazon Bishop: Pentecostalism Is Overrunning The Amazon: Up To 80%

The working document of the Amazon Synod is “far from reality” and presents “false projections,” the retired Bishop José Luis Azcona of Marajó, a diocese in the Amazon River delta, Brazil, told ACI Digital (August 20).

Azcona observes that the working document talks nostalgically about an Amazon that does not exist.

In some areas a Pentecostal [Protestant] majority reaches 80% and overruns cultures and identities, “This is today’s Amazonian face.” And, "The Amazon is no longer Catholic."

Azcona calls sexual child abuse by relatives a widespread reality in the Amazon which the Synod choses to ignore.

He also criticized that the document has the tendency of equate the Gospel with indigenous cultures.

Regarding married priests, Azcona notices that the meaning of the priesthood in the Amazon but also the entire Church is lost or dead, “Why ordain viri probati ["proven men"] within a priesthood in crisis?”

Picture: José Luis Azcona of Marajó, #newsSxhwwyozsk
So let's join the Pentecostals and ordain ladies...it will solve it all.
Homoheretics all.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Novella Nurney
What an utter disgrace. The whole of the Amazon synod , as proposed in it's working documents, and the related actions of it's most ardent supporters is a complete pagan APOSTASY. If these heretics get thier way , I believe that in little time they will introduce the equivalent of a "priestess " they will not be " ordained" in the same way as a priest is ordained,thereby skirting Canon law as such …More
What an utter disgrace. The whole of the Amazon synod , as proposed in it's working documents, and the related actions of it's most ardent supporters is a complete pagan APOSTASY. If these heretics get thier way , I believe that in little time they will introduce the equivalent of a "priestess " they will not be " ordained" in the same way as a priest is ordained,thereby skirting Canon law as such, but holding that essential role that all pagan religions hold to of " the divine feminine ". The previous articles on gloria.tv related to the "Fr." In his Amazonian costume and the Amazon Bishops shown clearly participating in a pagan, demonic ritual, is chilling.
Deus in adiutorium meum intende .
And, José Luis Azcona: “in Pará alone in one year there were 25,000 reports of crimes of this kind...for every reported case of pedophilia there are four others besides...isn't this face of destroyed children an essential part of the Amazonian face?”
José Luis Azcona: "On the contrary, the tendency to equalize the indigenous cultures with the Gospel is overwhelming. This is a point of departure which cannot be dispensed with in a synod.”