
Soccer Fans "Pray" in Cologne Cathedral (Video)

The fans of the football club FC Köln, Germany, will hold an ecumenical “prayer” in Cologne Cathedral on August 23 before a home match on the same day.

For this occasion, the archdiocesan Domradio.de published (August 22) a video of a similar event in 2018.

In the video (below) a priest, a Protestant preacher and hundreds of football fans wave the flags and scarves of their team.

Although they are in the cathedral they behave as if they were in a stadium.


Worshipping a ball.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
Soccer is 'enthroned' in its own house of worship...formerly known a Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus, or Cathedral Church of Saint Peter. First Commandment, anyone??