
Where Have All the Catholics Gone ?

Written by Susan Claire Potts, Ph.D. The Remnant Monday, June 11, 2018 Where are the Catholic Children... In the days before the Changes, nobody used words like liturgy or eucharist or reconciliation.…More
Written by Susan Claire Potts, Ph.D.
The Remnant
Monday, June 11, 2018
Where are the Catholic Children...
In the days before the Changes, nobody used words like liturgy or eucharist or reconciliation. It was Mass and Holy Communion and Confession. Simple, straightforward words. Everyone knew what they meant. We didn’t talk about rubrics, and most laypeople didn’t know about ambos and aspersoria and thuribles. That was the priest’s business. Like a doctor, he had his professional lexicon, and it was really not our concern. We just followed along, confident that we were being led to Heaven.
That’s what we talked about then, Heaven and Purgatory, and what we had to do to reach the one and shorten the other. We shuddered to think about Hell, and so we didn’t talk about it much either. We just set about working out our salvation with fear and trembling, like St. Paul told us to do. All for the love of Jesus, the Glory of God, and the Salvation of souls, we used to say.
...Where are the Nuns ?More
Where have all the Catholics gone? The bishops abandoned us and we faded away.
Montfort AJPM
- Que veux-tu dire par là ?
- Si avec elle tu ne t'entends pas,
Je le soutiens, tu n'es pas marié :
Avec une autre tu peux convoler !
- Oui, par exemple avec toi !
- Ça tombe bien, ma foi,
Car le mien me casse les pieds !
Avec ton canon, on sera bien marié.
Les morts subites sont quelquefois une justice et quelquefois une miséricorde ;
Les morts subites, dit Antéchrist, c'est moi qui les provoque : Caffarra, Meisner et bien d'autres... et c'est expéditif !