
Romney is pro abortion

RomneyCare Now Funding FREE Abortions
A Disqualifier for Mitt Romney’s Candidacy

By Amy L. Contrada
March 7, 2012

RomneyCare now offers free elective surgical abortions.
Mitt Romney was the enabler. This is how his government-dictated health plan is playing out. And he’s still proud of it. When he does touch on defects in his health plan, he never mentions abortion coverage as a problem. He’s either fine with it, or realizes he has to downplay it to get the conservative vote.

When the law was first implemented, there was a $50 copay for a RomneyCare elective surgical abortion. Now RomneyCare abortions are "free" for a $0 copay (or $50-$100 in some plans). In fact, the $0 copay shows up as early as 2008 at the Massachusetts Health Care Connector site. (The "Commonwealth Care" plans cover low-income residents, many of whom pay no monthly premiums.)
Of course, the abortions are not exactly free. We, the taxpayers cover the cost, whether we want to or not.

Amazingly, as overall RomneyCare costs and insurance premiums escalate, the copay for abortion drops! Why?
Because government health care is promoting abortion. This is really about “population control” by arrogant politicians and bureaucrat elites, righteously implementing Margaret Sanger’s eugenics dream. They don’t like excess people, especially if they’re “low income.”

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently shocked conservatives with her statement that,
“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for cost of contraception.” For such people, it’s an easy jump from contraception to abortion. Just think of all the health care that won’t have to be provided if a baby is disposed of before he’s born.

They view pregnancy (other than in their own families) as a negative health “condition.” It’s perfectly fine – and even enlightened – to see a baby as a cancer to be cut out and thrown into the hazardous waste bin.
To what extent does Mitt Romney fit in with that “enlightened” crowd? Possibly, he’s just motivated by his overweening ambition
to the point of not caring about anything other than going where he thinks the votes are. Whatever his motives, he cannot erase his severely pro-abortion record.

Romney’s pro-abortion timeline

Romney’s own record is clearly in support of “a woman’s right to choose” to kill her baby, and pro population control:

1992: Romney voted for “population-control fanatic” Paul Tsongas in the Democrat Presidential primary.

1994: In his U.S. Senate debate with Ted Kennedy, he said: "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a U.S. Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law [sic] for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it. And I sustain and support that law [sic] and the right of a woman to make that choice." (Video)

2002: In his campaign for Governor of Massachusetts, Romney told Planned Parenthood he supported Roe v. Wade, state-funded abortions for low-income women, insurance coverage of contraception, expanded availability of “emergency contraception” (the morning-after abortion pill), buffer zones around abortion clinics, and “age-appropriate sex education” in the schools. He also noted his support for the state law allowing a girl under 18 to bypass her parents and get a judge’s permission for an abortion. "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts' pro-choice laws,"he said in a debate. (See another of his unequivocal pledges in this video.) He picked a pro-abortion running mate for Lt. Governor.

Romney’s 2002 Planned Parenthood questionnaire.

2002-2006: As Governor, Romney never expressed religious-freedom concerns over the 2002 state law requiring employers to offer health insurance including contraception benefits. It was just a cost issue to him.

2004 (November 9): Romney claims he converted to a pro-life outlook following consideration of embryo and cloning research. (So, an abstraction supposedly woke him up on the human life issue? Yet, decades’ worth of descriptions of abortion techniques and graphic images of tiny babies torn limb from limb had not affected him?)

July: Romney vetoed the “emergency contraception” (morning-after abortion pill availability) bill. His veto was overridden (as he knew it would be). But he had vetoed it not due to his new pro-life principles, but to stay true to his campaign promise not to change abortion laws as Governor.
October: He contradicted his own veto, signing a bill to get a federal waiver to expand distribution of “emergency contraception” to low-income women (as he had promised Planned Parenthood he would do in 2002). “The administration did not publicize the waiver request. Yesterday, the governor’s communications director, Eric Fehrnstrom, suggested that the decision was not controversial.” Planned Parenthood praised the Governor for this act.
December – Romney forced Catholic Hospitals to dispense “emergency contraception” (morning-after abortion pill). His pro-abortion Chief Legal Counsel, Mark Nielsen, provided cover for Romney’s 24-hour flip-flop (contradicting his own Department of Public Health).

April 12: Romney signs RomneyCare into law, including Planned Parenthood on the advisory board setting standards for coverage. He did not veto that section of the bill. Abortions were then made available for a mere $50 copay – with taxpayers actually covering the cost. (Brian Camenker of MassResistance first revealed the presence of Planned Parenthood on the RomneyCare advisory board, and the inaugural abortion copay rate of $50.) Romney hides behind a false claim that Massachusetts court rulings required inclusion of abortion services, but these rulings on Medicaid referred to only “medically necessary abortions,” not the elective abortions available under RomneyCare.) Romney was proud of his close association with his “collaborator and friend,” pro-abortion Senator Ted Kennedy, during the “crafting” of the “bold” new health care plan: "Senator Kennedy: Together we pitched the secretaries on our vision to insure all our citizens and on the need for federal support to make the vision real. His work in Washington and behind the scenes on Beacon Hill [Mass. State House] was absolutely essential." (Video)
December: Romney donates $15,000 to Massachusetts Citizens for Life to buy their endorsement.

After his “conversion” and governorship: Romney still declares abortion to be a state’s rights issue, believes abortions are acceptable in the case of rape and incest, and says some human embryo research is fine.

2011: His signature achievement, RomneyCare, “progressed” to offering free elective abortions. The Massachusetts HealthCare Connector benefits outline (October 1, 2011) confirms this.

2011-2012: As candidate for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, Romney refused to sign the Susan B. Anthony pledge and is a no-show and major Republican pro-life forums (see here and here).

Free abortions: A predictable outcome

Free abortions are a predictable outcome of empowering government bureaucracies with mandating standards of coverage. Did Governor Romney not imagine how things would “progress” – or did he?

Certainly, the Democrat-controlled “legislature was counting on a Democrat governor to succeed Romney to put the real regulatory thumb screws in place.” Romney was certainly aware that the next Republican Governor candidate would be very unlikely to win, since one reason he chose not to seek re-election was his own weak standing in the polls. (In any case, his hand-picked Lt. Governor and 2006 Republican Governor candidate, Kerry Healey, was proudly pro-abortion. She would have had no problem with this evolution of RomneyCare.)

Individual mandate and coverage mandates

The conservative media are understandably upset over the rediscovery of Mitt Romney’s July 2009 op-ed, urging ObamaCare to include an individual mandate (for each citizen to purchase health insurance or pay a fine) as pioneered by RomneyCare. (See RedState and National Review.) That op-ed contradicts Romney’s recent statements that RomneyCare is just a state solution, and he didn’t see it as a model for federal health care reform.
The individual mandate is not the only mandate in RomneyCare. Health insurance companies are told by the RomneyCare Health Connector authority which benefits they must include in their various plans, and what the copays will be. One of these mandated benefits is surgical abortion.

Andrew McCarthy wrote of RomneyCare:

Besides the individual mandate, Governor Romney’s op-ed also proposed government-managed cures to address the government-caused cost spiral generated by the government-designed fee-for-service structure. Patients, he suggested, should be “required to pay a portion of their bill, except for certain conditions” — to be chosen, of course, by the government…. nowhere does the op-ed make any mention of the Constitution. [Emphasis added.]
Thus, Governor Romney opened a wide door. So now, surgical abortion is one of the “certain conditions” in Massachusetts that has no copay (or a very low copay in some plans).

And yes, there’s also the issue of that bothersome Constitution – whether state or federal –that Romney chooses to ignore (as he also did when implementing “gay marriage” in Massachusetts).
The conservative media should pay more attention to the mandated benefits side of RomneyCare. As we are seeing at the federal level, bureaucrats who implement legislation exercise tremendous control over how these mandates evolve. It’s only a matter of time before ObamaCare regulations follow in RomneyCare’s footsteps, and forces coverage for surgical abortions – with or without copays.

If people are upset now with mandated contraceptive coverage, wait until abortions are added to Kathleen Sebelius’ must-do list. She is no doubt eager to push the ObamaCare cure for that bothersome “condition” (pregnancy) – namely, abortion.

RomneyCare encourages women to abort their babies, and
the taxpayers are forced to pay

RomneyCare’s $0-$100 copay for a surgical abortion will certainly result in an increase in abortions. The real cost of is carried by taxpayers. This violates the religious beliefs of a majority of citizens.

None of this seems to bother Mitt Romney. He never mentions his RomneyCare abortion benefit, or its moral violation of the citizenry.
A Family Research Council study notes,
… there is no provision in the [RomneyCare] law for a subscriber’s right of conscience. Without a conscience provision, the individual mandate can lead to abhorrent consequences that make a mockery of its justification on grounds of personal responsibility.
Romney could have vetoed the entire final version of RomneyCare, but instead he signed it. He played with a top-down government healthcare system and we, the citizens, lost.

Romney still defends his “bold” law as a major step forward overall, and refuses to take the blame for any problems now cropping up:
Governor Romney now says that he cannot be held responsible for the actions of the [RomneyCare] Connector board, because it’s “an independent body separate from the governor’s office.” However, many critics of the Massachusetts plan warned him precisely against the dangers of giving regulatory authority to a bureaucracy that would last long beyond his administration. (Michael Tanner, Cato Institute, 2008. Emphasis added.)
Many conservatives simply do not trust Romney to change course if he becomes President. Since he likes his RomneyCare, does he really believe it's imperative to overturn ObamaCare?


FREE ABORTIONS funded by the taxpayers: This RomneyCare outrage alone should disqualify Mitt Romney as a Republican candidate for President.

What is he laughing about? Governor Romney signs his
signature achievement, the RomneyCare health bill, in April 2006.
Senator Ted Kennedy, collaborator, stands behind the Governor.
On the far right, then House Speaker Sal DiMasi, now serving
an 8-year prison sentence
for corruption.
“As president, I will protect the sanctity of life ...”
Mitt Romney (GOP acceptance speech)
BlueSofia - The pledges of Mitt Romney are worthless!
Consider viewing The Story of Mitt’s Abortion Journey.More
“As president, I will protect the sanctity of life ...”

Mitt Romney (GOP acceptance speech)


BlueSofia - The pledges of Mitt Romney are worthless!

Consider viewing The Story of Mitt’s Abortion Journey.
About Obama
Please, prove that the things written in the article never hapened.More
About Obama

Please, prove that the things written in the article never hapened.
Holy Cannoli
Mr. Einstein,
Do you attend any of those “homosexual masses” mentioned or do you prefer praying in the Mosque?
OBAMA not O'Bama.
Here's a link for you.More
Mr. Einstein,

Do you attend any of those “homosexual masses” mentioned or do you prefer praying in the Mosque?

OBAMA not O'Bama.

Here's a link for you.
The Three Non-Negotiable Principles of the Moral Law
according to Pope Benedict XVI1
1. Life.
The protection and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. The framework within and against which every other issue must be measured.
2012 Democratic Platform2
"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her …More
The Three Non-Negotiable Principles of the Moral Law
according to Pope Benedict XVI1
1. Life.
The protection and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. The framework within and against which every other issue must be measured.
2012 Democratic Platform2
"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right." (p. 18)

"President Obama and Democrats will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers. The Affordable Care Act ensures that women have access to contraception in their health insurance plans" (p. 18)
2012 Republican Platform3
"Faithful to the 'self-evident' truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children." (p. 13-14)

"We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or fund organizations which perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage." (p. 13-14)

Republican leadership has led the effort to prohibit the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion and permitted States to extend health care coverage to children before birth. We urge Congress to strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by enacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties on healthcare providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives an abortion, including early induction delivery where the death of the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban sex-selective abortions – gender discrimination in its most lethal form – and to protect from abortion unborn children who are capable of feeling pain; and we applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. We call for a ban on the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research. (p.13-14)
2. Marriage & Family. The primacy of the family as the first cell of society. The protection and honor given to the faithful marriage between a man and a woman and the family built upon it.
2012 Democratic Platform
"We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples." (p. 18)

"We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act" (p. 18)
2012 Republican Platform
"Congressional Republicans took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act" (p. 10)

"We commend the United States House of Representatives and State Attorneys General who have defended these laws when they have been attacked in the courts." (p. 10)

"We reaffirm our support for a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman." (p. 10)
3. Authentic human freedom. Includes the first freedom, religious freedom. Bound by truth and exercised within a moral framework.
2012 Democratic Platform
"America's leadership extends beyond our economic prosperity and military might—it is also rooted in our enduring commitment to advancing a core set of universal values. These include an individual's freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, have access to information, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders. They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice. The United States was founded upon a belief in these values, and people of every race, region, and religion around the globe have claimed these principles as their own." (p. 29)

"The President and the Democratic Party believe that women have a right to control their reproductive choices. Democrats support access to affordable family planning services, and President Obama and Democrats will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers. The Affordable Care Act ensures that women have access to contraception in their health insurance plans."(p. 17)

"Gay Rights as Human Rights. Recognizing that gay rights are human rights, the President and his administration have vowed to actively combat efforts by other nations that criminalize homosexual conduct or ignore abuse. Under the Obama administration, American diplomats must raise the issue wherever harassment or abuse arises, and they are required to record it in the State Department's annual report on human rights. And the State Department is funding a program that finances gay rights organizations to combat discrimination, violence, and other abuses." (p.31)
2012 Republican Platform
"The most offensive instance of this war on religion has been the current Administration's attempt to compel faith-related institutions, as well as believing individuals, to contravene their deeply held religious, moral, or ethical beliefs regarding health services, traditional marriage, or abortion. This forcible secularization of religious and religiously affiliated organizations, including faith-based hospitals and colleges, has been in tandem with the current Administration's audacity in declaring which faith-related activities are, or are not, protected by the First Amendment – an unprecedented aggression repudiated by a unanimous Supreme Court in its Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC decision." (p. 12)

"We support the ability of all organizations to provide, purchase, or enroll in healthcare coverage consistent with their religious, moral or ethical convictions without discrimination or penalty." (p. 34)

"It has been shunted aside by the current Administration at a time when its voice more than ever needs to be heard. Religious minorities across the Middle East are being driven from their ancient homelands, fanaticism leaves its bloody mark on both West and East Africa, and even among America's Western friends and allies, pastors and families are penalized for their religious convictions. We will return the advocacy of religious liberty to a central place in our diplomacy." (p. 52)
1 Pope Benedict XVI, Address to a European Parliamentary Group, 30 March 2006.
2 Democratic Platform
3 Republican Platform

The Moral Theology Tradition on Voting
Since the Church's moral teaching, like her doctrinal teaching, is simply believed and taught until challenged by erroneous opinions, only over time has the Magisterium explicitly spoken on various aspects of it (e.g. contraception, abortion , euthanasia, etc.). It is normally simply handed on through catechesis, seminary formation, and in particular the common teaching of moral theologians over generations. The following resources represent that consensus.
Moral Duties Concerning Voting, Mr. Colin B. Donovan, STL (may be freely duplicated)

A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters, Rev. Stephen Torraco (may be freely duplicated)

Where Do The Candidates Stand On Key Issues, Priests for Life

Catholics in the Public Square, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Participation of Catholics in Political Life, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Legal Recognition of Unions Between Homosexual Persons, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the CDF

Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae), Blessed John Paul II (cf. especially para. 73)
“I could site priests (and a couple of bishops) who say
homosexual masses. I can site bishops who will
not allow parishioners to distribute pro-life
material in their dioceses”
, Holy Cannoli
Hey Cannoli, before you spell check another person's
work, perhaps should you should check yours first.
A visit to SpecSavers might not be a bad idea.More
“I could site priests (and a couple of bishops) who say
homosexual masses. I can site bishops who will
not allow parishioners to distribute pro-life
material in their dioceses”
, Holy Cannoli

Hey Cannoli, before you spell check another person's
work, perhaps should you should check yours first.
A visit to SpecSavers might not be a bad idea.
Holy Cannoli
Ms. Goody-2-Shoes also deleted my posts.
My message to her follows:
What i wrote was accurate but since you deleted it anyway, I will never post on another one of your threads again. You are a rude witch with little talent and a small intellect.
Do not write to me or post on any of my threads and I will also avoid you.

By the way, the same message goes for …More
Ms. Goody-2-Shoes also deleted my posts.
My message to her follows:

What i wrote was accurate but since you deleted it anyway, I will never post on another one of your threads again. You are a rude witch with little talent and a small intellect.

Do not write to me or post on any of my threads and I will also avoid you.


By the way, the same message goes for Roman O'Bama.
oh, bluesofia keeps on deleting (reminds me of soviet union), so I'll post my answer here:
The church says to not support things that are against the law of God and his church. If there are things that are against it, it's right to point the finger on it.
I would be glad if the information in the article would be false.
If you could prove that it is false you would make me a favour...More
oh, bluesofia keeps on deleting (reminds me of soviet union), so I'll post my answer here:

The church says to not support things that are against the law of God and his church. If there are things that are against it, it's right to point the finger on it.

I would be glad if the information in the article would be false.
If you could prove that it is false you would make me a favour...
Holy Cannoli
Hey Einstein,
It's spelled Obama not O'Bama although he probably does have some Irish blood in him.
Hey Einstein,

It's spelled Obama not O'Bama although he probably does have some Irish blood in him.

“Romney is far from perfect ...”, Holy Cannoli
The above words have got to be the understatement of
the year. Mitt has done so many flip-flops he’d make an
acrobat feel dizzy. So what will the American electorate
choose on 6 November 2012, the frying pan or the fire?More
“Romney is far from perfect ...”, Holy Cannoli


The above words have got to be the understatement of
the year. Mitt has done so many flip-flops he’d make an
acrobat feel dizzy. So what will the American electorate
choose on 6 November 2012, the frying pan or the fire?
The Obama administration's attack on religious liberty.
Luke 10:16 'Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and those who reject me reject the one who sent me.' “We need, therefore, to speak frankly with each other when our freedoms are threatened. Now is such a time. As Catholic bishops and American citizens, we address an urgent summons to our fellow Catholics …More
The Obama administration's attack on religious liberty.

Luke 10:16 'Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and those who reject me reject the one who sent me.' “We need, therefore, to speak frankly with each other when our freedoms are threatened. Now is such a time. As Catholic bishops and American citizens, we address an urgent summons to our fellow Catholics and fellow Americans to be on guard, for religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad.

This has been noticed both near and far. Pope Benedict XVI recently spoke about his worry that religious liberty in the United States is being weakened. He called it the "most cherished of American freedoms"—and indeed it is. All the more reason to heed the warning of the Holy Father, a friend of America and an ally in the defense of freedom, in his recent address to American bishops:
Of particular concern are certain attempts being made to limit that most cherished of American freedoms, the freedom of religion. Many of you have pointed out that concerted efforts have been made to deny the right of conscientious objection on the part of Catholic individuals and institutions with regard to cooperation in intrinsically evil practices. Others have spoken to me of a worrying tendency to reduce religious freedom to mere freedom of worship without guarantees of respect for freedom of conscience.
Here once more we see the need for an engaged, articulate and well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense vis-à-vis the dominant culture and with the courage to counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church's participation in public debate about the issues which are determining the future of American society. ”
United states conference of Catholic Bishop Against Obama HHS Mandate.
You have Paul Ryan, that's good, but it won't change anything as long as the real power is in the hand of anti-cristian-thinking people, I don't mean political power, that's not the real power, I mean the power behind the scenes, that's the real power: the power of money and of its several lobbies. Politicians do what they say.
Would be nice if you could delete your anti-cristian …More
You have Paul Ryan, that's good, but it won't change anything as long as the real power is in the hand of anti-cristian-thinking people, I don't mean political power, that's not the real power, I mean the power behind the scenes, that's the real power: the power of money and of its several lobbies. Politicians do what they say.

Would be nice if you could delete your anti-cristian powers in the US as easy as you delete my postings...
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor Paul Ryan is 100% Catholic and Prolife and Mitt Make a pledges “As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage.”
An Sorry but you are not a Bishop and YOUR PROFILE SAID THAT YOU LIVE IN ITALY NO in the United State so let's the church give the opinion about the candidates not you
www.lifesitenews.com …More
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor Paul Ryan is 100% Catholic and Prolife and Mitt Make a pledges “As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage.”

An Sorry but you are not a Bishop and YOUR PROFILE SAID THAT YOU LIVE IN ITALY NO in the United State so let's the church give the opinion about the candidates not you



Updated: *191* Bishops (100% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate www.catholicvote.org/discuss/index.php
Holy Cannoli
Americans have a choice between 2 flawed men to become the next president. These 2 men reflect the views of the electorate (many of them Catholics) who support abortion and homosexual marriage.
These beliefs are, of course, in direct opposition to traditional Church teaching. The primary reason so many Catholics hold this heterodox position and the reason that these same Catholics support candidates …More
Americans have a choice between 2 flawed men to become the next president. These 2 men reflect the views of the electorate (many of them Catholics) who support abortion and homosexual marriage.

These beliefs are, of course, in direct opposition to traditional Church teaching. The primary reason so many Catholics hold this heterodox position and the reason that these same Catholics support candidates who also support those positions is because Catholic bishops (exceptions duly noted) are nothing more than pompous, plump, pretending, good-for-nothings who neither teach nor practice the Catholic faith themselves. All the while, Rome has synods regarding the "new evangelization" or some other useless crap while the Catholic Church itself is cursed with cowardly bishops and continues to hemorrhage members. The Catholic Church is in dire need of its own evangeliztion.


😡 Vice President Joe Biden (RADICAL PROABORTION AND GAY MARRIAGE) has been instructed by bishops not to present himself for Communion; he has been the subject of many reprimands; and he has been banned from speaking at Catholic institutions. Most of these sanctions are a function of his pro-abortion views.