
Covid Vaccines are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and could Wipe Us Out! - Dr. Vernon Coleman

Video from Dr. Vernon Coleman for March 13th, 2021. Subscribe at BrandNewTube: brandnewtube.com/@DrVernonColeman…
I wonder if this is tied in with, Our Lady of Fatima when she said many nations will be annihilated. Maybe that's how it happens
They won't. What they can and have done is kill and cripple a lot of people. The more people who get "the jab" the more it will happen. At some point, the number of fatalities would reach a crtical level where, "mandatory or not" people would begin to rebel.
Cuthbert Mayne
Let’s see some hard data on your phantasmical claims?
Don't be rude, @Cuthbert Mayne You should know by how easily I can give what I get. Since you asked for hard data, you got it.
I'm surprised at you, Cuthbert. You've watched me fence before. I can deliver corroborating data for my "phatamsmical claims".
And since it's been supplied, my claims are not "phantasmical" at all.More
Don't be rude, @Cuthbert Mayne You should know by how easily I can give what I get. Since you asked for hard data, you got it.

I'm surprised at you, Cuthbert. You've watched me fence before. I can deliver corroborating data for my "phatamsmical claims".

And since it's been supplied, my claims are not "phantasmical" at all.
Dr Coleman we will have to organise a fireside chat with Cuthbert dryburgh.com/…all-covid-19-mass-vaccination/
Cuthbert Mayne
There’s not much to burn in that thin old man. Perhaps if you jumped in?
Is this vaccine causing the COVID-19 to mutate in a more horrible disease?
If we wouldn’t of had lock downs we would of had herd immunity and the scientists know this... why are they doing this?More
Is this vaccine causing the COVID-19 to mutate in a more horrible disease?

If we wouldn’t of had lock downs we would of had herd immunity and the scientists know this... why are they doing this?
Cuthbert Mayne
Senile old fool. Acting well above his pay grade