Pagan Prayer in Roman Basilica: Francis "Very Happy"

Francis received Buddhist monks from Thailand on 27 May, inviting them to build a "friendship" that would sustain "peace and fraternity" and build a "more inclusive world".

Invoking an unspecified "God", Francis wished the monks "abundant divine blessings".

Francis said he was "very happy" that they would hold a pagan "prayer for peace" in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere on 28 May. Imagine Francis' anger if monks were to celebrate a Roman Mass.

Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of Rome's oldest churches. It dates back to the early 4th century. Pius IX had the image of the Egyptian goddess Isis scraped off the basilica's magnificent columns because he was not a syncretistic idolater.

From 1981 to 2000, the homosexual activist Vincenzo Paglia, now a Curia archbishop, was the pastor of the Basilica parish, where in 1982 he initiated a Christmas lunch for the "homeless" and "poor" which annually turns the Basilica into a cafeteria.


la verdad prevalece
The apostate Jorge Bergoglio join Pagan Prayer at the Vatican
This mess had started long ago:
"Your Buddhist Goodwill Mission is inspired by the desire of furthering good will between the various religions, and of peace and well-being of the different races and peoples; and these are purposes with which We are in complete accord. Our prayer, like that of Our beloved Predecessor Pope John in his dying moments, is the prayer of Jesus Christ at the Last …More
This mess had started long ago:

"Your Buddhist Goodwill Mission is inspired by the desire of furthering good will between the various religions, and of peace and well-being of the different races and peoples; and these are purposes with which We are in complete accord. Our prayer, like that of Our beloved Predecessor Pope John in his dying moments, is the prayer of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper: That all may be one"

To Buddhist authorities (June 26, 1964) | Paul VI

"Buddhism, in its various forms, realizes the radical insufficiency of this changeable world; it teaches a way by which men, in a devout and confident spirit, may be able either to acquire the state of perfect liberation, or attain, by their own efforts or through higher help, supreme illumination. Likewise, other religions found everywhere try to counter the restlessness of the human heart, each in its own manner, by proposing "ways," comprising teachings, rules of life, and sacred rites. The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions"

(Nostra Aetate 2)

"Nikkyō Niwano had a private audience with Pope Paul VI at the Second Vatican Council in 1965"
Risshō Kōsei Kai - Wikipedia

"Once again We are very happy to welcome to Our home distinguished representatives of Japanese Buddhism. We feel that in recent months, because of several visits from Buddhist visitors from Japan, We have established a particular relationship of friendship and respect... We, therefore, call upon all people of religion to play an important role in obtaining a favourable environment in which peace, so desired by mankind, can prosper. The Ecumenical Council, which adjourned last year, wished to establish effective contact with all religions, so that an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect, with consequent brotherly cooperation and collaboration, could flourish. In such an atmosphere, people would seek the realm of the spirit and the common good of all men. We hope that your travels will add to your knowledge of Christianity, and will result in a greater understanding and respect of beliefs which may differ from yours. We are confident that you will come to appreciate the contributions of religion to the well-being of man, and that you will wish to share in the future contribution of religion to the culture and development of the human family."

To the representatives of Japanese Buddhism (November 7, 1966) | Paul VI

"Buddhist teaching acknowledges that this shifting world is radically insufficient, and it sets out to show how men can be liberated from suffering by following a path of lofty asceticism.
We have a profound regard for the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural treasures that have been bestowed on you through your precious traditions. We recognize the values of which you are the custodians, and we share the desire that they should be preserved and fostered. We hope that there will be increasingly friendly dialogue and close collaboration between the traditions that you represent and the Catholic Church. Such contacts can be the means to a mutual enrichment, and assist in advancing the cause of justice and peace in a world that needs united effort by as many people as possible, if it is to overcome the grave problems which face it."

Address to a group of Buddhist leaders from Thailand, 5 June 1972 | Paul VI

"It is a great pleasure for us to welcome the members of the Japanese Buddhists Europe Tour, honoured followers of the Sôtô-shû sect of Buddhism. After an extensive tour of various European countries you have wished to come to Rome and to pay us this visit. We thank you for your courtesy. The purpose of your journey has been to work for greater understanding between Christians and Buddhists, a purpose which we appreciate and favour. At the Second Vatican Council the Catholic Church exhorted her sons and daughters to study and evaluate the religious traditions of mankind, and to “learn by sincere and patient dialogue what treasures a bountiful God has distributed among the nations of the earth” (Ad Gentes, 11). ... Buddhism is one of the riches of Asia: you teach men to seek truth and peace in the kingdom of the Eternal, beyond the horizon of visible things: you likewise strive to encourage the qualities of goodness, meekness and non-violence... And we express the hope that dialogue and good relations with the Catholic Church in your country and in the entire world will develop and be strengthened, for the good of all. May Almighty God bless you and your dear homeland."

Udienza generale, 5 settembre 1973 | Paolo VI

"The Second Vatican Council expressed admiration for Buddhism in its various forms and for the contribution it offers to the spiritual elevation of man.
We have established a Secretariat in order to promote relations and dialogue with non-Christian religions; and we are happy that in every part of the world our sons and daughters of the Catholic Church are increasingly open to friendly collaboration with their followers for the promotion of Peace and spiritual and moral values among all men. Every moral and religious progress is a contribution to Peace... After all, we are all pilgrims towards the Absolute and the Eternal, which alone can completely satisfy the heart of man."

Incontro con una comunità buddista, 17 gennaio 1975 | Paolo VI

"To the distinguished group of Buddhist leaders from Japan we bid a warm welcome. The Second Vatican Council declared that the Catholic Church looks with sincere respect on your way of life, which often reflects a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men"

Udienza generale, 15 giugno 1977 | Paolo VI
Idolatry!!! 😡 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
P. O'B
Following the trend of Assisi 1986.
George Obregon
Who knew that the acting Pope would practice Democrat Equity & Inclusion in Rome!
/St. George of Hyperlink ✞More
Who knew that the acting Pope would practice Democrat Equity & Inclusion in Rome!

/St. George of Hyperlink ✞
Everyday for Life Canada
And diversity to complete the woke DIE cult.
Everyday for Life Canada
Ecumenism: everything else but Catholicism.
Bishop Vigano denounces his invitation of a trans during childrens days in Roma
Bishop Vigano denounces the cowardly silence of the Epicopate