
Cardinal: German Church Indulges in "Exotic Ideas"

"People demand Christ to conform to us," Sarajevo Cardinal Vinko Puljić, 75, told MariaEinsPunktNull.de (16 May), referring to the decline of the German Church.

Puljić was born the twelfth of thirteen children. His mother died when he was three years old. At the age of 45, Puljić was appointed archbishop and at 49, cardinal.

There is a saying in Bosnia, he explained, "If you don't act like you think, you start thinking like you act." A Church that has survived communism, as the Church in former Yugoslavia, has "no such exotic ideas" as the German Synodal Way, which demands women priests or the abolition of celibacy, Puljić stresses.

According to him these demands "offend and astonish" the faithful of his diocese. Unlike in Germany, parishes in Bosnia are not dead.

"We cannot understand a Church in which 'sacrifice' has become a foreign word and there is a Christ without a cross," Puljić continues: "There can be discussions about all issues, but based on the Gospel and not based on secularisation and relativism."

Picture: Vinko Puljić, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsJbqxuxbtjp

"Exotic ideas"... The Cardinal is a master of understatement.
That is called Protestantism !
"Christ without a cross" is a good description of the mess and a good explanation for its effects.