
Homosexuals At the Root of Church Abuses - Bishop

The admission of homosexuals into the seminaries and homosexual activities among priests in the decades after the Council is one of the reasons why abuses happen in the Church, Spanish-born Bangassou Bishop Juan José Aguirre Munoz, Central African Republic, told CruxNow.com (February 19).

Aguirre also believes that the Internet awakes negative impulses and that priests have too much free time and thus let themselves be tempted by the devil.

He underlines that abuses happen in many fields, "but this is not reported in the news like when a priest or bishop is accused.”

Picture: Juan José Aguirre Munoz, Comboni.org, #newsJxfwtdsdqf
Comments like these are why a Spanish bishop got exiled to Africa.
Yes prosecutions need to be made!!!