
One Cardinal Calls The Other "Non-Credible"

A draft of the China agreement which Francis signed in 2018 and which he will renew at the end of October was approved by Benedict XVI when he was in office.

The Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin made this claim on 3 October in a speech marking the 150th anniversary of Catholic missionaries arriving in China.

However, Hongkong Cardinal Joseph Zen countered a similar claim made by Cardinal Re already in March. He told NcRegister.com that he considers such an approval "inplausible" and added, “I’m 100% sure they can’t prove it to me. It doesn’t fit.”

Picture: Joseph Zen, Pietro Parolin, © Mazur, CatholicNews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRvvcuykpwg

My Momma used to say: consider the source !!