
Backdoor Diplomacy: Francis Does (NOT) Disapprove of German Synod

"That Francis also accompanies the Synodal Way critically, he already told us in his 2019 letter but I have not heard any general rejection," said Mainz Bishop Kohlgraf about his January 20 audience with Francis (Kna.de, 5 April).

Francis himself has proclaimed a worldwide synod, Kohlgraf noted: "In doing so, he is also taking the risk that issues will come up in the universal Church that he cannot yet calculate."

The background of this is a contradiction between Poznan Archbishop Gądecki and Limburg Bishop Bätzing. The latter said after a June 2021 audience Francis had encouraged the German synod. Gądecki, on the other hand, stated after a March audience that Francis had distanced himself from it. Conclusion: Francis is telling everybody whatever they want to hear.


Tony M
The German synod is doing a lot of Bergoglio's dirty work for him.
They are setting the pace with heretical innovations that rampant modernist Jorgy would be very happy with.
Come on everyone......lets not be naive.......Bergoglio and the German Bishops have been pushing in the same liberal, modernist, heretical, apostate direction for 9 years now.
The contents of this article are absolutely....…More
The German synod is doing a lot of Bergoglio's dirty work for him.
They are setting the pace with heretical innovations that rampant modernist Jorgy would be very happy with.
Come on everyone......lets not be naive.......Bergoglio and the German Bishops have been pushing in the same liberal, modernist, heretical, apostate direction for 9 years now.
The contents of this article are absolutely....totally.... no surprise!!!!!