
Milan Archdiocese "Forbids" Receiving Communion

After the end of the Covid hype, Milan Archdiocese (5 Million faithful) issued a decree to be adopted for celebrations starting on April 1.

The decree "forbids" receiving Communion and orders grabbing it with the hand. Distribution may occur with “unidentified distribution devices,” likely latex gloves which are thrown into the trash after use.

The archdiocese still expects social distancing. Printed aids distributed to the faithful can only be reused after at least three hours.

Eucharistic ministers are only allowed to visit a maximum of four sick people and always the same.

Picture: Mario Delpini, #newsUglqphrxjz

In omnibus
😭 Domine, miserere! 🙏
Sensus Fidelium
source? Link?
this guy looks like a clown. Just because of that he should take this mask off his face. I can not believe he can not see that.
Ludicrous unscientific and arbitrary "Covid" Precautions. Stay Classy, Yewrop.
Louis IX
Committing sacrilege against our Eucharistic Lord is no way to celebrate Easter. The devil is behind this.
chris griffin
Communion in the Hand is wonderful, inspiring, holy and the way that Jesus intended as shown in the Bible.
Louis IX
What is described here goes beyond merely Communion in the hand,(which is bad enough). The mindset that the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord is an agent of disease is blasphemous.
"and the way that Jesus intended as shown in the Bible." @chris griffin He didn't and "take and eat" doesn't include the word "hand". So, no, it isn't the way Jesus intended. This the fruit of the post Vatican Council II indult. From an exception to indulge Euro-fail, it's now being preached as "the way Jesus intended".
At the last supper the Apostles were already Ordained.
chris griffin
Ultraviolet – It is absolutely true that Jesus consecrated bread and wine separately. When Jesus distributed the bread, the wine was not consecrated and therefor the bread could not have been dipped into non-consecrated wine and given to the Apostles while wet..
Here are the 4 Biblical proofs of Jesus instituting Communion in the Hand without the consecrated wine…. “gave”, “take”
And as they …More
Ultraviolet – It is absolutely true that Jesus consecrated bread and wine separately. When Jesus distributed the bread, the wine was not consecrated and therefor the bread could not have been dipped into non-consecrated wine and given to the Apostles while wet..

Here are the 4 Biblical proofs of Jesus instituting Communion in the Hand without the consecrated wine…. “gave”, “take”

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Matt 26:26

And whilst they were eating, Jesus took bread; and blessing, broke, and gave to them, and said: Take ye. This is my body. Mark 14:22

And taking bread, he gave thanks, and brake; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me. Luke 22:19

And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. 1 Cor 11:24

The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord ? 1 Cor 10:16. (By reason we can come to the conclusion that St. Paul certainly did not go to hundreds of early Mass’s stuffing the Bread into thousands of mouths.)

The bread was distributed and Jesus “gave” it to them and said “take”. The idea that Jesus inserted it into their mouths is foreign to the words of Jesus and foreign to Jewish custom and foreign to common sense. Nothing and nobody have any factual support for the claim that Jesus deposited the bread on their tongues. That Jesus put the bread in the Apostles mouths is never supported by the Ancient Fathers and it is a forced, fanciful contrivance.

Communion in the Hand is rightly approved, valid and licit throughout most of the world.

Communion on the tongue is an invention of men not Jesus. The Eucharist was received in the hand as the original mode of Communion for the first nine centuries of Christianity. It was the original form of Communion in the early Church for the first nine centuries says the former Pope…
“Well, here again we know that until the ninth century communion was received in the hand, standing.”(Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger/ Pope Benedict XVI, God is Near Us, Ignatius Press, page 70).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms that breaking the bread then “distributing” it was Jewish custom. Not putting it into their mouths…

Is this not the same movement as the Paschal meal of the risen Jesus with his disciples? Walking with them he explained the Scriptures to them; sitting with them at table "he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them." CCC 1347

The Breaking of Bread, because Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish meal, when as master of the table he blessed and distributed the bread, above all at the Last Supper. CCC 1329

The Catechism of the Catholic Church does not call Communion on the tongue as “Sacred Tradition”. The CCC never mentions it in the section on the Eucharist 1332-1419. No mention, no quotes, no references to Communion on the tongue as Sacred tradition because it does not exist.

Nothing in the Bible can be proven “scientifically” but the words of Jesus and the Bible overwhelmingly endorse Communion in the Hand with never any reference to Communion on the tongue whatsoever.

johnandannette - Jesus never said and no Bible in the world says that touching the bread with their hands during Holy Communion was for the Apostles only or Bishops only or priests only. Somebody made that up out of thin air.
Louis IX
The Catholic religion is not an historical recreation theater. Those claiming that the Church does not have the authority to proclaim that Communion on the tongue is the preferred manner in which it is to be done are denying both Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Instead of persisting in your error I would suggest that those who champion Communion in the hand do some research on …More
The Catholic religion is not an historical recreation theater. Those claiming that the Church does not have the authority to proclaim that Communion on the tongue is the preferred manner in which it is to be done are denying both Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Instead of persisting in your error I would suggest that those who champion Communion in the hand do some research on the Theological and Scriptural underpinnings of Communion on the tongue. There is a reason the Church arrived at this practice. Johnandannette the appeal to scripture as the only authority for Catholic practices is frankly not Catholic.
chris griffin
Louis IX
You - I would suggest that those who champion Communion in the hand do some research on the Theological and Scriptural underpinnings of Communion on the tongue.
I just did that in my previous post in this article. I covered Jesus words and Church history. Communion on the tongue is NOT Sacred Tradition, it is an invention of men.More
Louis IX
You - I would suggest that those who champion Communion in the hand do some research on the Theological and Scriptural underpinnings of Communion on the tongue.

I just did that in my previous post in this article. I covered Jesus words and Church history. Communion on the tongue is NOT Sacred Tradition, it is an invention of men.
Louis IX
Not just men but men given the authority by the Holy Ghost to make these decisions. Please see this from the Vatican website: Communion received on the tongue and while kneeling
chris griffin
Louis IX – Thanks but the Vatican explanation is completely unconvincing…
“The most ancient practice of distributing Holy Communion was, with all probability, to give Communion to the faithful in the palm of the hand.”
Yes, Communion in the Hand is the earliest, original, historic and imitation of the Last Supper where the Gospels say Jesus gave and said take. Unfortunately, somebody changed …More
Louis IX – Thanks but the Vatican explanation is completely unconvincing…

“The most ancient practice of distributing Holy Communion was, with all probability, to give Communion to the faithful in the palm of the hand.”
Yes, Communion in the Hand is the earliest, original, historic and imitation of the Last Supper where the Gospels say Jesus gave and said take. Unfortunately, somebody changed Jesus meaning to suit their own opinions.

‘Saint Thomas Aquinas also refers to the practice of receiving Holy Communion only on the tongue”
Aquinas, he was the guy that actually said that early gestation unborn babies were vegetables and animals. No thanks.

“He affirms that touching the Body of the Lord is proper only to the ordained priest.”
That his personal opinion, completely unsupported except in his imagination and departing from earlier tradition and the Last Supper. No thanks.

“Kneeling indicates and promotes the adoration necessary before receiving the Eucharistic Christ.”
Strictly personal opinion and personal option.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The third picture in this cartoon series is the way Protestant Presbyterians recieve communion...and the wine in little silver cups which is passed along pew to pew.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What do you expect? Pope Francis appointed a heretic, Mario Delphini,70-installed in 2017. He will shortly be 71 and hopefully never is a Cardinal. The only good Italian in line to be a Cardinal is the Patriarch of Venice, Francesco Moraglia,68, a very good man appointed by Benedict XVI but whom the fake Pope Bergoglio has passed over for cardinal every time because Moraglia is a faithful Catholic …More
What do you expect? Pope Francis appointed a heretic, Mario Delphini,70-installed in 2017. He will shortly be 71 and hopefully never is a Cardinal. The only good Italian in line to be a Cardinal is the Patriarch of Venice, Francesco Moraglia,68, a very good man appointed by Benedict XVI but whom the fake Pope Bergoglio has passed over for cardinal every time because Moraglia is a faithful Catholic who likes Catholic tradition.
Italy is lost. Under the imposed Prime Minister Draghi you've effectively got the W.E.F. running the country.
God have Mercy