So be it: Israelis' Reactions to Christian YouTube Comments About the War | Street InterviewMore
So be it:
Israelis' Reactions to Christian YouTube Comments About the War | Street Interview
Know that Israel, so influenced by the West, will be rejected and betrayed by the US, when they least expect it.
It will be then that the holocaust I speak of will take place.
Pray, pray, pray for the people of Israel, who will continue to suffer for their sins, until My Second Coming.
Your beloved Jesus (BoT, March 10, 2012)More
Know that Israel, so influenced by the West, will be rejected and betrayed by the US, when they least expect it.

It will be then that the holocaust I speak of will take place.

Pray, pray, pray for the people of Israel, who will continue to suffer for their sins, until My Second Coming.

Your beloved Jesus (BoT, March 10, 2012)
Israel cares only about itself and has no regrets about killing innocent civilians in their hunt for Hamas
Cute. Warm, cozy, happy people expressing their feelings, while people in Gaza are bleeding, injured, thirsty, hungry, struggling just to stay alive while mourning their dead, and the loss of their homes and their possessions.
Great video.More
Cute. Warm, cozy, happy people expressing their feelings, while people in Gaza are bleeding, injured, thirsty, hungry, struggling just to stay alive while mourning their dead, and the loss of their homes and their possessions.

Great video.
I don't need to see Israeli's reactions to Youtube comments; how about Israeli targeting of helpless, innocent civilians caught in an open air prison?