
Change the Name, Keep the Heresy: German Bishops Resume Vatican Talks

Representatives of the Roman Curia and the German bishops met for talks at the Vatican on 28 June.

A subsequent joint statement spoke, as usual, of a "positive, open and constructive atmosphere". The other usual word, "cordial", was omitted.

The German bishops reported on the last meeting of their "Synod Committee", which they presented as a "temporary working body".

The discussion centred on "canonical aspects" of establishing a "synodality" in the [disintegrating] Church in Germany.

The statement says at the same time that the German bishops and the Curia should "draw up a draft" for a possible national synodal body and that various aspects "of the current draft" for this body should be changed.

The Roman Curia wants to change the name of the "Synodal Committee" [to create the illusion that by changing the name the content would also be changed]. The Vatican doesn't accept the "Synodal Committee" because the Germans want it to be like an Anglican General Synod.

The Roman Curia was represented by Fernández (Destruction of the faith), Koch (Ecumenism), Parolin (Secretariat of State), Prevost (Bishops) and Roche (Liturgy).

The German Bishops' Conference was represented by Bätzing (Limburg), Ackermann (Trier), Meier (Augsburg) and Overbeck (Essen), as well as the Secretary General, Mrs Beate Gilles, and the spokesman, Matthias Kopp.


Mary Louise Veritas
Is that a bishop on the extreme right? In the grey pantsuit.
Are any of them Bishops, truly? 😐