
The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Congregate Again – As Pious Women

Allegedly dozens of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate who were pushed out of the order by the Vatican, are again gathering together, according to the blog Veritacommissariamentoffi which usually spreads hatred against the sisters.

The plan of the sisters is to form a public association of the faithful. This allows them to escape the persecutions enacted by the Vatican Congregation for the Religious. The sisters are wearing a habit and are returning to their convents which they were forced to leave under obedience. The Vatican has no power over the convents because they are owned by an independent lay association.

This way the sisters have returned to their convent in Frigento, to a building in San Giovanni Rotondo, the place where Padre Pio died, and to the shrine on the Mount Gargano.

vi.news and 9 more users link to this post
That is really good news. I hope other groups follow suit.
France's newspaper of record Le Monde wrote yesterday 'Pope Francis's honeymoon period is well and truly over' and cited the what's going around in Rome: '10% of members of the Curia criticise the reforms, 20% support them, 70% are waiting for the next pope'.
That works!
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