The Man from the Southern Hemisphere: Messages from Our Lady of Anguera

3276 – 2/6/2010
The day will come when an apparently good and just man will appear. He will deceive many people, for he will realize great prodigies. He will come from the southern hemisphere and many people will consider him as a savior. Pay attention and don´t be deceived.

2532 – 6/5/2005
A man appearing to be good, and this is the antichrist, will gain great satanic power. This evil event will happen on the feast of a great saint, he who when called by God fell from his horse and had his live transformed. [...] You will see horrors on earth. Many people will be seduced by the beast and marked with his sign. [...] Don´t let yourselves be deceived.

2953 - 5/17/2005
Dear children, the opposer will find in the palace the key that will open the door for him to act in the world. He with his cunning will involve men and women of great wisdom. His project will involve men of science and religion. He will attract to his poisonous project rulers of the whole world; famous people and simple people.

2971 – 06/02/2008

Dear children, the key to the opponent's entrance will be in the palace. His strength will be like that of a great weapon of destruction. False ideologies will be embraced as true and My poor children will experience the cross of slavery. Be vigilant. Do not stand with your arms crossed.

Our Lady Queen of Peace
Anguera, Bahia, Brazil