
Abortionist Carhart's trail of death and despair

I saw you weeping alone,

Lonely young mother,

In your arms, the comfort a mother would give

Her baby girl.

You’re here now, but where will you go?

Hurried - somewhere, anywhere!

Just don’t look back for what’s not coming back,

What can’t return.

“Relieved,” “empowered,” “dreamer”

They have named you.

I’m searching. Will I find these when

Your eyes have dried?

I see a little girl weeping,

A lonely young mother

And like you, countless others

Weeping alone.

The young teen aged girl in the photo above was seen after her late-term abortion walking, sobbing, and clinging to her stuffed toy that was handed to her just before she was left alone for an unknown reason.

While LeRoy Carhart, Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion politicians insist on portraying a post-abortive woman or girl as always relieved and happy, this young lady depicts the reality of deep suffering and regret most often experienced alone and at the hands of doctors who profit from her abortion, “choice.”

The tragedy of abortion is always the violent taking of innocent human life simply due to nothing else but size and location. As Mary Wagner, conscientious objector in a Toronto jail said last year, “What is at issue here is that unborn children are being slaughtered systematically with the complicity of the judicial system.”

An abortion also leaves behind a mother despairing of life, concluding her own child is better off not living. Is there any doubt Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is only hitting the tip of the ice burg when writing in the 2007 Gonzales v. Carhart case: “While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort….Severe depression and loss of esteem can follow.”

Each day we seem to experience new measures of unthinkable violence and disregard for human life. And after 40+ years and over 50 million innocent lives determined better off commingled, awaiting scientific experimentation, in landfills or fuel for local power plants, we must recognize there is no real separation between our regard for those born and those unborn. It’s time to do all we can to defend the lives, the rights, of the most vulnerable, unborn.
