Pro-Life vs Pro-Death CLASH in Germany – TFP Crusade for Christendom De-fund Planned Parenthood today at Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW Watch the …More
Pro-Life vs Pro-Death CLASH in Germany – TFP Crusade for Christendom
De-fund Planned Parenthood today at Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW
Watch the pro-life vs pro-death clash. Catholic volunteers with TFP Student Action (Europe) were on the streets of Aachen, Germany, to be the voice of millions of innocent babies whose lives are brutally taken by procured abortion.
The peaceful demonstration met with vulgar opposition. At intervals, pro-abortion and pro-LGBT activists interrupted the rosary with insults and the ubiquitous “my body, my choice” chant.
The reversal of Roe v Wade in America has encouraged the pro-life movement worldwide. The European TFPs are now campaigning in defense of innocent human life, and for the conversion of Europe, the cradle of Christendom. During the tour, volunteers prayed the rosary in the public square, and distributed “Pray and act to end the sin of abortion!” leaflets.
#prolife #vs #prochoice
St. Michael ora pro nobis
This makes me feel very ashamed for my fellow germans.
Praise be to God for these warriors ,there is a lot of evil around the world ,No wonder God is too much offended ,Let us pray for conversion of all sinners