Yet the Pope assures us liturgical abuse is a thing of the past.
Disgraceful is far to kind a word for this vomit
John A Cassani
There’s a history of denying the existence of liturgical abuses. Didn’t Paul VI rush the promulgation of the Novus ordo because the abuses following the major changes in 1965 and 1967 were so rampant? He allowed communion in the hand so that those who originally were disobedient could now be seen as obedient, without changing their ways. These sorts of abuses will most likely just be ignored, or …More
There’s a history of denying the existence of liturgical abuses. Didn’t Paul VI rush the promulgation of the Novus ordo because the abuses following the major changes in 1965 and 1967 were so rampant? He allowed communion in the hand so that those who originally were disobedient could now be seen as obedient, without changing their ways. These sorts of abuses will most likely just be ignored, or they will essentially be sanated, and those of us who are offended will be compared to rigid religious authorities from the time of Christ (as it’s anti-semitic to call people Pharisees nowadays ).
De Profundis
They look like fools.