Gloria TV News. Scola Will Go to Milan Vatican Most Vatican journalists agree that Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice will soon be named the new Archbishop of Milan. Sandro Magister of L’Espresso sees …More
Gloria TV News.

Scola Will Go to Milan


Most Vatican journalists agree that Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice will soon be named the new Archbishop of Milan. Sandro Magister of L’Espresso sees the imminent appointment as particularly significant for two reasons. First, he writes, Cardinal Scola has always been the clear choice of Pope Benedict XVI, with whom he worked closely on the theological journal Communio. Second, Cardinal Scola has strong ties to the Communion and Liberation movement. These ties were strong enough that, 40 years ago, the then-Archbishop of Milan was reluctant to ordain Angelo Scola as a priest.

Corpus Christi Procession in St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg--known for decades as Leningrad--has granted permission for a Corpus Christi procession for the first time since the Russian Revolution in 1918. Archbishop Paolo Pezzi of Moscow led the Eucharistic procession on Sunday, June 26, through the Nevskiy Prospekt, the city’s main street.

Disconnect Between What the Church Says and How her Representatives Act


The blog “Rorate caeli” posted on Saturday a note of Congratulations to the bishops of New York State. The bishops had released a collective letter against the approval of "same-sex marriage" at about the same time the self-declared Catholic governor was proudly signing it into law. Rorate-caeli comments: “Yes, it is said that the Archbishop Timothy Dolan fought against it. But one wonders if these things would move forward if Bishops acted towards Catholic politicians with at least half the vehemence with which Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II acted towards Archbishop M. Lefebvre”. Rorate Caeli asks: “Will priests and lay faithful who publicly celebrate this abomination be punished or warned?” And: “So continues this disconnect between what the Church says and how her representatives act, as if what they said had no influence on how they behave: to those on the outside, it all looks like a farcical act.”

Patriarch of Lisbon Wants To Ordain Women


There will be women a priest «when God wills», for the moment it is better «not to raise the issue». But there is «no fundamental obstacle», from «a theological perspective», for women to say mass on the altar. It is, instead, a «tradition» that dates back from the time of Jesus. This was said by seventy-five year old Patriarch of Lisbon in an interview with the monthly “OA”, the magazine of the Portuguese Order of Attorneys. Policarpo has just been confirmed for another two years as the head of the diocese of the Portuguese capital.
holyrope 3
Patriarch of Lisbon,..time to retire. 🤗
Holy Cannoli
Corpus Christi Procession in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg--known for decades as Leningrad--has granted permission for a Corpus Christi procession ...
Disconnect Between What the Church Says and How her Representatives Act
Internet …More
Corpus Christi Procession in St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg--known for decades as Leningrad--has granted permission for a Corpus Christi procession ...
Disconnect Between What the Church Says and How her Representatives Act


...it is said that the Archbishop Timothy Dolan fought against it (sodomite “marriage”). But one wonders if these things would move forward if Bishops acted towards Catholic politicians with at least half the vehemence with which Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II acted towards Archbishop M. Lefebvre”.

Rorate Caeli asks: “Will priests and lay faithful who publicly celebrate this abomination be punished or warned?” And: “So continues this disconnect between what the Church says and how her representatives act, as if what they said had no influence on how they behave: to those on the outside, it all looks like a farcical act.”


I don't know who you guys at Rorate Caeli are but props for your logic and your reasoning. Do you ever visit Gloria.tv?


Patriarch of Lisbon Wants To Ordain Women


But there is «no fundamental obstacle», from «a theological perspective», for women to say mass on the altar.

Trying to be as delicate as possible, it's obviously time for José da Cruz Policarpo to go and I hope he takes more loose-lipped, politically correct, heterodox clerics with him.

Buona sera, Doina.
