Dr. Deborah Birx: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines ..." Claims vaccines "protect against severe disease and hospitalization" …More
Dr. Deborah Birx: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines ..." Claims vaccines "protect against severe disease and hospitalization" before saying that 50% of those who died via Omicron were older & vaccinated.
before they were saying if you get the vaccine you will not get infected ,but now they say ,they new that vaccines would not prevent the infections ,liers
before they were saying if you get the vaccine,you dont get it .now they say say they already new it ,Liers
Birx and Fauci both belong in Leavenworth.
Yes sir.
Oh, now she says that. Just like the ex Nazi's who "never really believed in Hitler anyway".
Armo 75
They all have stock in Pfizer, need to keep those profits up.
wow they all caught a cold.....pathetic
This is to scare the people so there will be unrestricted mail in voting! That is there goal. I don't know how people don't see right through these Political DR's!!! She is looking out for her political party not for the 'peoples' best health...
Jeffrey Ade
"Revelation of the method!" Satanic!
John A Cassani
Pretty sure that the phony FDA approval was for a shot that prevented infection, not for a prophylaxis. Everyone who didn’t have their head in the sand knew that they wouldn’t prevent infection.