Communion in the Hand while Standing: What’s the problem?

Communion in the Hand while Standing: What’s the problem? "It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand …More
Communion in the Hand while Standing:
What’s the problem?

"It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand them from one to another."
- Pope John Paul II, Inaestimabile Donum (April, 1980)
There can be no denying that Holy Communion is now almost universally received in the hand and that this has been the case since shortly after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council.
Note, however, that there is no mention whatever of Communion in the hand in the documents of Vatican II.
In fact, Cardinal L Suenens first introduced the practice illicitly in Belgium in the mid 1960s from whence it spread quickly to Holland, Germany and France.
When the abuse came to the notice of Pope Paul VI in 1969, he issued Memoriale Domini ruling out universal change to the Church’s method of administering Holy Communion on the tongue to kneeling communicants. In this document the Pope expressed his sadness that …More
"Familiarity breeds contempt" ... or total lack of reverence :just this past Sunday after the Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful at my local parish,one of the parishioners walked up to the priest and asked him for and hand to hand exchange was made - the parishioner put Body of Christ in his shirt pocket,after the final blessing as he was leaving the pew,he failed to kneel to take leave …More
"Familiarity breeds contempt" ... or total lack of reverence :just this past Sunday after the Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful at my local parish,one of the parishioners walked up to the priest and asked him for and hand to hand exchange was made - the parishioner put Body of Christ in his shirt pocket,after the final blessing as he was leaving the pew,he failed to kneel to take leave of the Real Presence,but he remembered to pat his chest pocket few times to ensure the Communion wafer did not fall out yet - the question is not about whether the parishioner himself was an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister himself,but rather the sad truth that it would not even occure to lay person to enter the Holy of Holies had the priesthood hold on to the fact that only the consecrated hands of the priests should touch the sacred species and it is part of the shepherd's of souls duty to visit the sick and give them the Holy Communion. The golden quote in the church's bulletin read:" The bed of the sick is the Altar of Sacrifice."Christ suffers with us,we just must take care that He would not suffer due to our irreverence.
Awesome GloriaTV!!!! 👍 Mother Theresa was completely against communion in the hand as well! I pray this diabolical practice is soon stomped out!
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