Berlin: Senate Wants Sex Rooms for Children in Day-Care Centres

A draft for a new "educational programme" currently being discussed by the degenerate Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs aims to enable three to six-year-olds to enjoy "feelings of lust" (sic).

To this end, places are to be set up that are described as "individual experience spaces".

"Children discover their own genitals, explore them intensively and want to share these experiences with other children," the perverted Senate fantasises.

The ideology of "gender identity" is also to be imposed on children.


Excuse me while I…🤮🤮🤮
Credo .
"God help us"! 😭
Anne Graham Lotz, (the daughter of Billy Graham) once said "If God does not judge America, He'll owe an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah!"
The same applies HERE!
Everyday for Life Canada
These people are truly sick.