"PANDEMIC: A MANUFACTURED CRISIS" - DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN - I have decided to publish this interview from May 2020 because not only it has not lost an iota of its relevance, but it also allows us to take …More
"PANDEMIC: A MANUFACTURED CRISIS" - DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN - I have decided to publish this interview from May 2020 because not only it has not lost an iota of its relevance, but it also allows us to take a look at past events from an historical perspective, events whose consequences remain, and because the globalist elite continues to develop their evil goals based on these same lies and manipulations.
Related: 1. THE PLANDEMIC CONTINUES WITH MONKEYPOX - Related: 1. "THE PLANDEMIC FARCE CONTINUES" - 2. … - 2. Sobre la vacuna experimental anti covid. El Dr. Andrew Kaufman responde en esta entrevista con … (English with Spanish subtitles) - 3. El Dr. Andrew Kaufman, médico, psiquiatra, forense y biólogo molecular explica que hay que negarse … (English with Spanish subtitles) - Source: Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine
In this powerful interview Spiro is joined with Doctor Andrew Kaufman. Spiro and Dr. Kaufman discuss the expanding curtailment …More
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Rand Miller
If more people listened to Dr. Kaufman... except he interferes with Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, FDA, shutting down economies, isolating, fearmongering, etc.