
Only the Orthodox Church Is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

Only the Orthodox Church is truly apostolic according to the Greek-Orthodox Metropolitan Alexios (Vrionis) of Nikaia, a suburb of Athens, Greece. Alexios said this during a homily on June 30 for the Feast of the Twelve Apostles.

According to him "only the Orthodox Church is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church."

Lionel L. Andrades
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) defined by three Church Councils specifically mentions the Orthodox Christians and says 'they are out'.They are called 'schismatics'.
Vatican Council II has the same message. They need Catholic faith(AG 7) for salvation.Historians recognise that the Orthodox broke away from the Catholic Church.It now,only over the last 10 years or so that they …More
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) defined by three Church Councils specifically mentions the Orthodox Christians and says 'they are out'.They are called 'schismatics'.
Vatican Council II has the same message. They need Catholic faith(AG 7) for salvation.Historians recognise that the Orthodox broke away from the Catholic Church.It now,only over the last 10 years or so that they have been claiming that they are the one, true Church.With the support of Putin they would like to re-write history.
With the Fr.Leonard Feeney case and then Vatican Council II the Masons changed the traditional theology of the Catholic Church and replaced it with Cushingism.It is a false theology. It suggests invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS. So it wrongly postulates that there is salvation outside the Church.
The popes overlooked this error and so now there are inter faith marriages which are not considered adultery.Since it is assumed that there is salvation outside the Church.This is part of the new ecumenism which is important for the emerging one world religion, in which the Orthodox Christians, are also expected to join.
So the liberal popes also encourage Catholics in certain conditions to receive the Sacraments at the Orthodox Churches.
With or without the pontificate of Pope Francis, Catholic orthodoxy has not changed for me.Since I use Feeneyism as a theology, there is no change in pre and post Vatican Council II ecclesiology for me.There is no pre or post Pope Francis theology for me.I can attend the Novus Ordo, Tridentine Rite or Byzantine Greek Mass and there is no problem for me .There is no change in theology, doctrine or liturgy for me.It is the same as before the great schism.
So which Church are you in presently and which one are you leaving? It's definitely not the one in which I am.
In Christ.
Orthodoxy is the four remaining patriarchates after Rome (the fifth patriarchate) broke away from Tradition by adding the word "filoque" to the Nicene Creed in the 11th century. All patriarchates in union, including Rome had previously declared that the changing of the Nicene Creed was/is forbidden, the punishment being anathema. Rome put itself under anathema by doing this.
Why do you think …More
Orthodoxy is the four remaining patriarchates after Rome (the fifth patriarchate) broke away from Tradition by adding the word "filoque" to the Nicene Creed in the 11th century. All patriarchates in union, including Rome had previously declared that the changing of the Nicene Creed was/is forbidden, the punishment being anathema. Rome put itself under anathema by doing this.
Why do you think Roman Catholics are allowed to take Orthodox Sacraments? It is because the Roman Catholic Church admits these are valid- that is from Apostolic Succession. Rome caused the Great Schism between all of Christiandom and then, later, without consulting the others, declared itself "infallable".
It's like one of the nine US Supreme Court justices having a private court date in which only he/she is invited and then declares him/herself to be the sole US Judge.
[I'd better not give them any ideas!]
Sad, but true. This is why I'm leaving the Roman Catholic Church after 22 years. The 'papacy' of Francis is the proper fruit of the Schism. Orthodoxy has not changed Christ's teachings, the Sacraments, etc. and is growing rapidly.
Please research these facts and pray about the situation.
In Christ
He missed that it's "subsisted" instead of "is" since the Council
Joseph a' Christian
This greek false church broke away from the Vine. As Jesus teaches us, a branch that falls from the Vine, dries up and dies.
There is one Christ, who teaches one Faith to His one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
We have been betrayed by many cowardly "bishops," and deceived by many false evil bishops.
Yet we who remain faithful to the Christ, the Giver of life, Jesus, we are blessed, we are the true …More
This greek false church broke away from the Vine. As Jesus teaches us, a branch that falls from the Vine, dries up and dies.
There is one Christ, who teaches one Faith to His one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
We have been betrayed by many cowardly "bishops," and deceived by many false evil bishops.
Yet we who remain faithful to the Christ, the Giver of life, Jesus, we are blessed, we are the true and singular Church of Almighty God.
As for the lost greeks, do not forget that at one time the anglican church of england mimicked our church very closely. Presently that satanic mockery has been revealed. They are in ruins, with some of the splinters headed by homosexual bishops.
Listen dead branch greeks, take a lesson from the anglicans.
Maybe it's time for relativist Francis to stop talking to Churches with clear positions.
Lionel L. Andrades
The Catholic Church is the one true Church of Jesus it is the only Church Jesus founded and the Orthodox Christians are outside of it.They were always outside the Church.
The Catholic Church does not change with a change of the times, especially these times predicted in the Book of Revelation and Our Lady's Apparitions.
This man in the photo is on the way to Hell unless before death he converts into …
The Catholic Church is the one true Church of Jesus it is the only Church Jesus founded and the Orthodox Christians are outside of it.They were always outside the Church.
The Catholic Church does not change with a change of the times, especially these times predicted in the Book of Revelation and Our Lady's Apparitions.
This man in the photo is on the way to Hell unless before death he converts into the Catholic Church.
It is not enough to believed in Jesus even for a Catholic. One must do the will of God. God the Father wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood.
Lionel L. Andrades
Historically it is known that the Orthodox Church broke away from the Catholic Church in a schism. It was not the Catholics who chose to formally and publically split.The Catholic Church at that time was following the same theology and doctrines it did during the previous centuries.It continued to do the same even after the break away.