The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 2, 2013. 55 - At Your Word, with the Gospel in hand from the Sea of Galilee - presented by Fr. Giuseppe De Nardi, Parish Priest of Tiberias. …More
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 2, 2013.
55 - At Your Word, with the Gospel in hand from the Sea of Galilee - presented by Fr. Giuseppe De Nardi, Parish Priest of Tiberias. www.saintpeterstiberias.org
On this wonderful Catholic Feast, thank you for giving a profound insight/ explanation as to this mystery of feeding the MULTiTUDE.
Truly a Feast to meditate
Thank you Fr Giuseppe and Sinead for translating for us
Jim and Rita
Tiberias is looking lovely.More
On this wonderful Catholic Feast, thank you for giving a profound insight/ explanation as to this mystery of feeding the MULTiTUDE.
Truly a Feast to meditate
Thank you Fr Giuseppe and Sinead for translating for us
Jim and Rita

Tiberias is looking lovely.