
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 2, 2013

On this wonderful Catholic Feast, thank you for giving a profound insight/ explanation as to this mystery of feeding the MULTiTUDE.
Truly a Feast to meditate
Thank you Fr Giuseppe and Sinead for translating for us
Jim and Rita
Tiberias is looking lovely.More
On this wonderful Catholic Feast, thank you for giving a profound insight/ explanation as to this mystery of feeding the MULTiTUDE.
Truly a Feast to meditate
Thank you Fr Giuseppe and Sinead for translating for us
Jim and Rita

Tiberias is looking lovely.

153 LARGE FISH... 48 - At Your Word, with the Gospel in hand from the Sea of Galilee - presented by …

Rits Martin sends Congrstulations . Well done Koininia Giovanni Battista Israel. Fantastic sermon and God bless you for translation
Haven't heard such clear interpretation of Gods Word. Will let all my friends know the online link
Wonderful to have the visible link of exact place
going to watch again myself now