The gay-activist science deniers

The gay-activist science deniers Woe to any scientist with an interest in objectively researching and reporting on “LGBT”-related issues. If your findings fail the left’s socio-political “butterflies …More
The gay-activist science deniers
Woe to any scientist with an interest in objectively researching and reporting on “LGBT”-related issues. If your findings fail the left’s socio-political “butterflies-and-rainbows” litmus test, the “progressive” establishment will try to destroy you – guaranteed.
Thus, on these matters, honest scientific inquiry will require courage.
Kansas State University, July 2010: Family Studies professor Dr. Walter Schumm releases the most comprehensive study to date on the effects of homosexual “parenting.” Published in the Journal of Biosocial Science, the study determined, among other things:
Children raised in “gay” households are up to 12 times more likely to self-identify as “gay”;
Of those in their 20s – presumably after they’d been able to work out any adolescent confusion or experimentation – 58 percent of the children of lesbians called themselves “gay,” and 33 percent of the children of “gay” men called themselves “gay.” (Contrast these rates with More
padre geremia
👌 i agree homosexual activist is like the junior edition or the showoff edition of masonry or ateism, poor people, let's pray for them 🤦
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Homosexualists are fascist. Most of their actions are vulgar, rude, and destructive-—just like the behavior they embrace and practice. It should NEVER be an example of “mature” behavior to children—because it is evil behavior. (Vice).
This ridiculous idea of “Positive Rights” will destroy a nation built on God-Given Rights. Homosexual “Rights” are non existent. Sodomy is a Vice and has …More

Homosexualists are fascist. Most of their actions are vulgar, rude, and destructive-—just like the behavior they embrace and practice. It should NEVER be an example of “mature” behavior to children—because it is evil behavior. (Vice).

This ridiculous idea of “Positive Rights” will destroy a nation built on God-Given Rights. Homosexual “Rights” are non existent. Sodomy is a Vice and has to be condemned in a sane society—as all destructive, dysfunctional acts need to be. Governments are only to promote “Public Virtue”-—necessary for all free Republics as stated in all Founding Documents.