Bishop Strickland reaffirms the true purpose of marriage, the priesthood in new pastoral letter

Bishop Strickland explains in a new letter that humanity has neither the right nor the ability to redefine marriage or the priesthood, both of which are sacraments instituted by God. My Dear Sons and …More
Bishop Strickland explains in a new letter that humanity has neither the right nor the ability to redefine marriage or the priesthood, both of which are sacraments instituted by God.
My Dear Sons and Daughters in Christ:
I write to you today to discuss more fully the third basic truth that I spoke of in my first pastoral letter issued on August 22, 2023: “The sacrament of Matrimony is instituted by God. Through Natural Law, God has established marriage as between one man and one woman faithful to each other for life and open to children. (CCC 1601). Humanity has no right or true ability to redefine marriage.”
In addition to the sacrament of Matrimony, I will also discuss the sacrament of Holy Orders in this letter, as both Matrimony and Holy Orders are vocations and are, therefore, calls from Our Lord to share our lives with others in special ways. Both Matrimony and Holy Orders confer a special grace that is primarily directed not towards the salvation of the one who receives the …
Michael Matthew Speyrer
Was that before or after he signed a schismatic document
Falsely accusing the Pope of teaching heresy?
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
That's not a false accuse but an evidence regarding the so called "pope", such a figure far from enything could be Catholic, why Certainly he can't be valid Pope.