
Francis Destroys Familia Christi: All But Priests Have To Leave The Order

Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori, 66 - the Francis’ appointed commissioner of the excellent Italian Catholic fraternity "Familia Christi" – published his verdict on the order in a June 30 decree, reports MessaInLatino.it.

The commissioner ordered all postulants and novices to leave the group. The order is not allowed to welcome new vocations. The decree does not give reasons for the draconic measure amounting to the ruin of the order.

Familia Christi was founded in 2014 by the now retired Ferrara Archbishop Luigi Negri.

His anti-Catholic successor Giancarlo Perego immediately started working against the group, destroying their Novus Ordo apostolate, forbidding them to celebrate the Old Latin Mass in public and exiling them to a remote monastery.

No accusations have ever been raised against the group.

la verdad prevalece
Father Paul Kramer
10 de julio a las 08:21
This is why Catholic religious orders, secular clergy, and laity must sever all ties with the infidel Argentinian antipope, whose embrace is not fatherly, but more like the killing squeeze of a boa constrictor. He won't stop destroying until he destroys the last remaining vestige of Catholicism. Remaining subject to Antipope Bergoglio is an act of ecclesial …More
Father Paul Kramer
10 de julio a las 08:21
This is why Catholic religious orders, secular clergy, and laity must sever all ties with the infidel Argentinian antipope, whose embrace is not fatherly, but more like the killing squeeze of a boa constrictor. He won't stop destroying until he destroys the last remaining vestige of Catholicism. Remaining subject to Antipope Bergoglio is an act of ecclesial suicide.
la verdad prevalece
Father Paul Kramer: Jorge is manifest infidel, and as such is an incapable subject of the Supreme Pontificate. He is the head of a false church which professes a false religion: the Roman Protestant Church.
Don't say things like that, Jim Dorchak . You're rustling my jimmies with that kind of talk, especially since it's possible. It might be more difficult with the FSSP since they are "Fraternity" rather than an order, per se. I like to think they set things up like that with an eye to this sort of future.
Francis only wants perverts, thieves and unbelievers. The present policy seems to be to protect all of that sort in holy orders, and harass anyone who loves the Mass of Ages, if local bishops are game, like in Italy.