Is this true?
Ave Crux
This is absolutely true. The Catholic dioceses and Catholic "NGOs" are among the biggest facilitators of immigration coming into the country and receive ongoing federal funding to make it happen. They have complete disregard for the laws of this country and Saint Thomas's Aquinas teaching on the matter that a country has a right to defend its borders against illegal immigration.
Live Mike
This is also why threats of withholding money from the weekly collection basket have such little effect today. They're are being paid to act the way they do. When the visible institution of the Catholic Church adopted the corporate model it set primary importance on dollars rather than on souls. "You cannot serve both God and mammon." - Matthew 6:24
John A Cassani
I think it is. And the rest of their money comes from having the copyright on the New American Bible. I remember the General Secretary from 20 years ago telling me that he had 400 people under him. That is quite the permanent bureaucracy, for something that does nothing for ordinary Catholics.