Gloria.TV News on the 12th of August 2013 What is for me the most valuable reality? During yesterday’s Angelus Pope Francis said: "I want to ask you two questions: Do you have a willing heart? One that …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of August 2013

What is for me the most valuable reality? During yesterday’s Angelus Pope Francis said: "I want to ask you two questions: Do you have a willing heart? One that yearns? Think about it and answer in silence, in your heart. Do you have a heart that yearns or a heart that is closed, asleep with regards to the things of life? The second question: Let us ask ourselves, where is my treasure? What is for me the most important, most valuable reality, that draws my heart like a magnet? Can I say that it is God's love?

Greetings to the Muslims: At the end of yesterday's Angelus Pope Francis renewed best wishes to Muslims marking the end of Ramadan - quote: I would like to offer my greetings to Muslims around the world; our brothers and sisters who recently celebrated the end of Ramadan, a month especially dedicated to fasting, prayer and almsgiving.”

Spanish language Facebook's tolerance for obscene anti-Catholic pages worry users – CNA writes. It quoted Carlos Wadsworth of Costa Rica: “I report anti-Catholic pages every so often and it is so disgusting that when I report a comment that is literally an insult to a bishop or to all Catholics, the answer from Facebook is that the post does not violate Facebook policies.” On the other side, one of the most popular Spanish-language Catholic pages, “Memes Católicos,” was deleted. It countered anti-Catholic attitudes in a humorous way and had over 110,000 followers. After a campaign the page was removed by Facebook in such a way that it could not be restored.

Why did the Pope place the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate under the supervision of a commissioner and why did he forbid them to celebrate Mass according to the old Rite without prior authorization? According to Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli, the Old Rite was imposed upon the group by its founder, Fr. Manelli, against overwhelming opposition. In 2012, this led some friars – Frs Antonio Santoro, Michele Iorio, Peter Damian Fehlner, Massimiliano Zangheratti and Angelo Geiger to ask the Congregation for Religious to intervene. According to Tornielli the female branch of the Friars is more united in its support for the old Rite.
I agree...after the Pope made his comment to the reporters on the plane about homosexuals, the bishop over here had a write-up in the paper about how we should accept the homosexuals, blah, blah,...but Not once did he even mention what the Catechism or Scripture says about it. Cannoli hit the nail on the head about "ambiguity, clarification and with authority." We Must see and hear this from Francis …More
I agree...after the Pope made his comment to the reporters on the plane about homosexuals, the bishop over here had a write-up in the paper about how we should accept the homosexuals, blah, blah,...but Not once did he even mention what the Catechism or Scripture says about it. Cannoli hit the nail on the head about "ambiguity, clarification and with authority." We Must see and hear this from Francis..it is imperative!
Hay Zeus
Very good Holy Cannoli! The last paragraph sums it all up!!
👏 😉 😇
Peace! That is good news that will make me think today what pop Francis said about the 3questens I will keep that in mind.thank you Gloria t v
Holy Cannoli
The pope wants to ask 2 questions. I would like to ask him 2 questions.
Your Holiness,
1) If you speak to the western "main stream media", and you wax eloquently about the need for Christians to love all fellow sinners (including homo priests), why do you NOT immediately follow that with the clarification that such priests should preserve their chastity, and not act on their homosexual urges and …More
The pope wants to ask 2 questions. I would like to ask him 2 questions.

Your Holiness,

1) If you speak to the western "main stream media", and you wax eloquently about the need for Christians to love all fellow sinners (including homo priests), why do you NOT immediately follow that with the clarification that such priests should preserve their chastity, and not act on their homosexual urges and temptations. (They should "Go and sin no more", just like all other sinners should do.)

(After he neglected to make that clarification in his recent interviews, it took what seemed like a huge old-fashioned "spin team" to truthfully make it clear that what he had said was in no way excusing sinful behaviors, nor was it changing any Catholic teachings.)

Your Holiness,

2) I would also like to respectfully point out to you that Blessed Mother Teresa never required anyone to explain her silence on abortion as she did not remain silent about abortion.

Even in front of presidents and other powerful people, she would stretch to her full five feet tall stature (maybe), and preach in no uncertain or vague terms about the evils of abortion.

In the face of such horrific evil and malevolent atrocity (with far more people being murdered by abortions than by the Nazis or by Muslims, for example), she never shied away from plainly and boldly telling the truth about abortion and calling for the end of abortion.

No one could accuse Blessed Mother Teresa of maintaining silence about one of the biggest horrors of our times.

Your Holiness, Why don't you unambiguously, forcefully and with the authority of your office speak out against abortion and in particular those Catholic politicians who support and foster abortion as Mother Teresa so courageously did throughout her life?

Sincerely yours,
holyrope 3
Frs. Geiger and Fehlner ... what a pity.
Thanks for the news, Doina. 😘More
Frs. Geiger and Fehlner ... what a pity.

Thanks for the news, Doina. 😘