
Innocent Cardinal Pell Will Appeal, But...

Martyr Cardinal George Pell will appeal his unjust conviction to the Australian High Court, according to media reports.

This is Pell’s last possibility for an appeal, but it may take years until it is heard. The appeal became necessary after Victorias' Supreme Court confirmed the verdict.

Mark Weinberg, one of the three judges who disagreed, noticed that the entire evidence against Pell rested on the testimony of one accuser, while more than twenty witnesses testified in favor of Pell.

Further, the accusation is a detailed copy of a story which a lying accuser produced in the USA.

Lion IRC
"...a liar would have told a more believable story."
Now there's a paradox.
"...a liar would have told a more believable story."

Now there's a paradox.

There is no doubt that his Eminence Cardinal Pell is innocent. The case is actually idiotic. It is a disgrace that Victoria has pursued this and gone against all justice with no evidence against the Cardinal. They hate him. Their anti-Catholic bigotry and hate of the Cardinal is what is most evident.
God bless Cardinal Pell
An honest, Just person, will see this disgusting display of mob mentality against Cardinal Pell for what it is.
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.
The test of all happiness is gratitude.
The key evidence is videotaped evidence. So if this video was clear then the verdict would be unanimous. 2-1 verdict is evidence that the videotapes are not much evidence.