We must not fall for this tissue of lies from Putin Boris slams Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin in his Mail column Putin's interview with his fawning stooge Tucker Carlson was straight …More
We must not fall for this tissue of lies from Putin

Boris slams Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin in his Mail column

Putin's interview with his fawning stooge Tucker Carlson was straight out of Hitler's playbook. I pray Americans see through this unholy charade

BORIS JOHNSON: Putin's interview was straight out of Hitler's playbook
Public domain
No thank you
Ave Crux
All Putin did in that interview is set forth clearly verifiable historical facts and comment on the double-dealing of the Globalists and the United States (now fully exposed since Trump's Presidency) that loves unending wars, and the ongoing slaughter of the young men they send into these battles for their own perverse reasons.
Susan Bromley
“Historical facts”? 😂
Ave Crux
@Susan Bromley Correct. Dispute the facts with "your" facts if you think there are inaccuracies. Here is the history of Ukraine: wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine It seems no one wants facts and reality any longer. They just want "opinions" posing as "facts"....
An argument has two sides to enable critical thinking to form a judgment.
Louis IX
It’s common knowledge that Boris (or the Biden regime) put the kabash on peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. What Putin said was known by those who pay attention.
Sean Johnson
Is there a comb shortage in England?
Roberto 55
He is using combs made only from turtles and they are now protected by greens... 🤪
Ivan Tomas
And what are you saying, Susan?