First "pope"ever..

Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous …More
Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous statements that we would've understand if a demon is the one proclaiming them.
* 1st "pope" ever to condemned capitalism many times in different stages and NO condemnations to communism, further more, the only time he address communism was when he said he enjoyed when young communist magazines and that he knew "good" communist people.
* 1st "pope" ever to call names on traditionalists... EVER, I mean calling them: hermenuticals, Rosary counters, dead inside, etc...
* 1st "pope" ever to tell atheists "to do good and we'll meet there" rejecting what Jesus said: "Whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16), and his intentions on atheists are clear, as he stated on atheists in his autobiography 'on heaven and earth': "I will not say that their life is condemned"
* 1st "pope" ever …More
Leonard Wessell shares this
He is a materialist, through and through. His supporters, insofar as they find 'truth' in what he proclaims, are nothing more.