
This Opportunist Chooses Bishops

Cardinal Ouellet, 78, the head of the Congregation for Bishops, defended Catholic morality, participated in pro-life marches, supported religious education when he was Québec Archbishop (2003-2010).

However, he is a conservative apparatchik and “very careerist,” Paul Grondin from Québec, a correspondent for PaixLiturgique.org, says about him.

Ouellet, a “fierce opponent” of the Roman liturgy, has taken an important part in drafting Traditionis custodes, along with Parolin, Versaldi and Stella, Grondin knows.

He describes Ouellet as “unwavering" Francis supporter. Ouellet was pro-family under John Paul II, “very moderate” [= anti-Catholic] under Benedict XVI, and is under Francis an open anti-family supporter of Amoris Laetitia. Grondin calls Ouellet a "weathervane, not in a crude way, but with talent.”

Ouellet has “a very great capacity to nurse resentment” and “implacable dislikes” for instances for Cardinals Burke and Caffarra. Grondin believes that Ouellet is positioning himself as papabile. “Like many others, he is keenly aware of the profound failure of Francis' pontificate,” Grondin believes.

There is an intensive relationship between Ouellet and Mother Marie de l’Assomption of the Old Rite Dominican Sisters of Pontcallec, France, Grondin recalls. Ouellet wrote Francis “Request for Forgiveness” to these nuns regarding the work of the former Commission Ecclesia Dei.

Ouellet and Mother Marie are both disciples of Hans Urs von Balthasar. Their bond is similar to the one of Balthasar to Adrienne von Speyr.

Mother Marie is Ouellet’s driver in France, assistant and also spiritual inspiration. He wrote the preface to her questionable dissertation rehabilitating Father de Lubac (condemned by Pius XII). Ouellet promoted her as “expert” at a symposium on vocations opened by Francis.

Grondin calls this relationship intellectually and opportunistically disordered.

Picture: Marc Ouellet © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsAiloivifrf

John A Cassani
He has all the qualities and qualifications of an executive in a corrupt organization. It’s no wonder he’s lasted so long.
How long until this comes to a Catholic parish church: "Drag me to church"