Angelo Lopez
Will Rome fall for the Medjugorje hoax? - Crisis Magazine. AUGUST 30, 2019 Will Rome fall for the Medjugorje hoax? JANE STANNUS Devotees of the Medjugorje apparitions often quote Scripture in their …More
Will Rome fall for the Medjugorje hoax? - Crisis Magazine.
AUGUST 30, 2019
Will Rome fall for the Medjugorje hoax?
Devotees of the Medjugorje apparitions often quote Scripture in their defense: “By their fruits you shall know them.”
It’s now 38 years since the alleged apparitions began. Decades of disapproval from the local hierarchy have not sufficed to suppress enthusiasm about the so-called visionaries. Today, the Medjugorje issue seems to boil down to one question. Which matters more: the truth about the apparitions, or the spiritual fruits of a place that draws an estimated 3 million pilgrims annually?
The need to answer this question has become more urgent since Pope Francis decided this past May to lift the ban on diocesan pilgrimages… albeit with the perplexing caveat that this not be taken as “an authentication of the noted happenings.”
Medjugorje’s devotees have reason to believe the tide is turning in their favor. Earlier this month, 14 bishops (including several …More
Joshua Iesu
Given Rome's current leadership, it's questionable whether they even care. What concerns them is political utility. If a Medjugorje "visionary" starts getting urgent messages from the Blessed Mother about the necessity of stopping climate change, Pope Francis will immediately voice his enthusiastic approval. If they want ex cathedra approval, all they have to do is claim the Blessed Mother compared …More
Given Rome's current leadership, it's questionable whether they even care. What concerns them is political utility. If a Medjugorje "visionary" starts getting urgent messages from the Blessed Mother about the necessity of stopping climate change, Pope Francis will immediately voice his enthusiastic approval. If they want ex cathedra approval, all they have to do is claim the Blessed Mother compared Greta Thunberg with Sister Lucia Santos.. That's how Rome under Francis works, plain and simple.