Francis Praises a Convicted Criminal

During his general audience on 20 December, Francis praised again Luca Casarini''s controversial group "Saving People in the Mediterranean", which has been accused of human trafficking.

They "go to sea to rescue poor people [= illegal economic migrants with mobile phones] fleeing slavery (sic) in Africa. They do a good job, they save so many people," Francis said.

He also received the group in person. Luca Casarini and his "chaplain" Don Mattia Ferrari were present. According to, Casarini, a personal friend of Francis, is a convicted criminal.

In addition, he is currently under investigation for aiding and abetting illegal immigration, after having received large sums of money from Francis and from some Italian bishops who wanted to flatter Francis.

Casarini used the money to finance his potentially criminal activities and his family's needs.

Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsGkcrhygzgb

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Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He digs his own grave with his mouth 😂