Cardinal Cupich calls Excommunicated Senator Durbin. 21 Feb: Bishop Paprocki excommunicates Sen. Durbin for his pro-abortion voting record. 26 Feb: Cardinal Cupich calls Sen. Durbin to lobby for illegal …More
Cardinal Cupich calls Excommunicated Senator Durbin.

21 Feb: Bishop Paprocki excommunicates Sen. Durbin for his pro-abortion voting record.

26 Feb: Cardinal Cupich calls Sen. Durbin to lobby for illegal immigrants. And has the conversation filmed. And posts it on Twitter.
Hugh N. Cry
Cardinals wear red to symbolize that they would be willing to shed their blood for the Church. Someone forgot to tell Cupich it's his own blood not those of the unborn.
...pretty stunning behavior. We are quickly moving in to greater and greater chaos. Thanks for posting.
This Cardinal should leave the politics for politicians ,and be a real pastor to catholics