
🚨 No abortion extremism at International Court of Justice! 🚨

US President Joe Biden nominated a pro-abortion law professor to a position at the International Court of Justice. Here is a letter of Christian concern to this law professor:

Dear Professor Cleveland:

I learned about your nomination to the International Court of Justice (Biden Nominates Pro-Abortion Globalist to International Court - C-Fam). I oppose this nomination for the following reasons:

· The International Court of Justice is another failed globalist institution that is leaning too far to the left.
· The International Court of Justice has failed to take punitive action against the PRC (communist China) for the creation and spread of the China Virus (COVID-19) and the cover-up thereof. Just as the Soviet Union denied the Chernobyl nuclear disaster at first in 1986, so the Chinese government covered up the scope and severity of its virus created in a Wuhan military lab. The International Court has failed to convict Xi Jinping and lab director She Zhengli as the main perpetrators of crimes against humanity.
· The International Court of Justice has failed to bring justice for the Russian shoot-down of a civilian Boeing 747-200 (flight KAL 007) with 269 passengers aboard over international waters on 09/01/1983. The Court has failed to determine whether all aboard were killed or captured. The evidence now is that the Soviets captured survivors – possibly up until today -, hide the wreckage of the plane and tampered with a cockpit voice recorder that was found. Among the 269 passenger was a Democratic congressman from Georgia, Dr. Lawrence Patton McDonald. The “world court” now had 39 years to work on this case. What has happened so far? Nothing!
· The International Court of Justice has failed to bring justice for the Russian shoot down of a civilian Boeing 777-200ER (flight MH17) killing all 283 passengers aboard. Russia acted through pro-Russian militias in occupied Ukraine. Has the “world court” indicted anybody? Has Putin been prosecuted? Nothing.
· The International Court of Justice must respect that a US citizen enjoys the right to trial by jury. That right cannot be abridged at an international court. That is a real problem of globalism. A globalist court abridges and negates rights granted citizens of native countries.
· The International Court of Justice shall not be politicized and abused for a leftist, anti-Christian and anti-American agenda. Therefore, the Court shall not be politicized as a battering ram for gender, climate and abortion extremism. The Court shall not repeat the serious mistakes made by the EU under Juncker and von der Leyen. The International Court of Justice has no argument or authority to circumvent the decision of the US Supreme Court to end the Roe vs. Wade mock trial decision. The work done by Justices Alito, Thomas, Merritte & Kavanaugh cannot be done and the “world court” shall not become an extended arm of globalist leftists in Europe to meddle in the United States. As a German, I drastically condemn the anti-American proceedings of the EU. The EU and Ms. Von der Leyen owe an apology to Mr. Donald Trump and Mr. Mike Pompeo. If the EU had heeded the warnings of Mr. Trump and Pompeo on defense, trade and energy independence, we could have prevented a war in Ukraine. Sadly, Europe arrogantly shrugged off the good counsel from Mr. Trump, Pompeo and Grennell.

I am Christian citizen in Germany. I lived for 9 years in Tennessee. I am a missionary Baptist. I oppose radical gender, climate and abortion agendas because they are injustice before God. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. God’s commandments are even higher than the International Court. God’s law is above man’s law. The architecture of the Supreme Court in the US shows that Americans used to believe that in their constitutional Republic all law originates from God beginning with the Ten Commandments. Do you have a traditional American understanding of law? You could learn a lot from US Congressman Larry McDonald’s 1976 book “We Hold These Truths: A Reverent Review of the US Constitution”.

As a Christian, I support the Geneva Consensus Declaration introduced under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Please find this one attached. It clearly shows that there is no such thing as a “basic right to abortion”. There is never a right to do wrong and harm others. One person’s rights end where the rights of others begin to be wronged. We cannot ignore the rights of the unborn child. The US Constitution defines a right to life in the 14th amendment. Thus, I ask that you do not abuse power in Europe to force anti-American activities or secular humanist European concepts upon the United States.

In effect, I oppose your nomination. I would feel more comfortable with a conservative, pro-life American heading for the International Court and opposing the radical globalist policies. Please do not let guys like Soros, Schwab or Gates bully you into compliance with this globalist evil New World Order. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, Jesus says in Matthew 6:33. Getting a job at the “world court” should not cause us to gain the whole world and lose our soul. Did you read what Jesus said about that in Mark 8:36? We need to be mindful that one day Jesus will judge the world in righteousness. That is the true world court (Revelation 20:11-15) and Jesus will be the Judge:

And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

(Act 17:30-31)

Justice without God is impossible. Justice without God would be a travesty and a gross injustice.

When I lived in the US, I preached a message of the judgment seat of Christ at a Baptist church in Carthage, Tennessee. You shall find this interesting because it helps shape a Christian worldview on the issues of law and the divine source thereof:


Kindest regards,