
Cardinal Sarah Insinuates: Pedophile Priest Cannot Be Forgiven

After having committed paedophilia a priest "can no longer carry the consecrated Host in his hands” - Cardinal Robert Sarah claims in his book God or Nothing (2015, French edition: 311-316).

Sarah believes that such a priest if he continues to celebrate Mass, his disrespect for Christ is so big that - consciously or not - he makes "a pact with the devil.”

He goes on claiming that a pedophile act affects the very being of a priest "in an ontological way" to the point that "the priestly bond that attaches him to Christ is defeated."

According to Sarah such a breach is so "extreme" that this priest "can no longer enter into communion with Jesus.”

"The greatest criminal always keeps the possibility of divine forgiveness but the pedophile priest places himself in a situation of a frontal combat against the Son of God", Sara adds.

This position reflects a radical variation of Donatism, a heretical group in Carthage (4th-6th century) that argued that priests must be faultless in order to celebrate the sacraments validly. Donatism's main opponent was Saint Augustine.

Picture: Robert Sarah © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsOhwcousvha

The gravest sins are against the immortal soul because can damn eternally. Therefore sins against mortal flesh are of lesser gravity. Anyone can convert and repent until death.
Gesù è con noi
That is why the Church has the power to laicize a pedophile. Let us take an example of what Cardinal Sarah says "a pedophile priest who celebrates Mass commits sacrilege." Let's put the name of homosexual predator McCarrick, he committed sacrilege not only when celebrating Mass but also when he made invalid priestly ordinations since he was an apostate who has committed the unforgivable sin of …More
That is why the Church has the power to laicize a pedophile. Let us take an example of what Cardinal Sarah says "a pedophile priest who celebrates Mass commits sacrilege." Let's put the name of homosexual predator McCarrick, he committed sacrilege not only when celebrating Mass but also when he made invalid priestly ordinations since he was an apostate who has committed the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Gesù è con noi
Cardinal Sarah is speaking here of unrepentant stubborn pedophile sodomite priests who fall into the sin of apostasy. That they are committing the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Bernardino of Siena explained that persisting in the vice of sodomy turns that sin into blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Now Saint Alphonsus Maria de …More
Cardinal Sarah is speaking here of unrepentant stubborn pedophile sodomite priests who fall into the sin of apostasy. That they are committing the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Bernardino of Siena explained that persisting in the vice of sodomy turns that sin into blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Now Saint Alphonsus Maria de Ligorio explains how sins in priests are more serious than in a layman and equates the sin of priests with the sin of rebellion by apostate angels.