Liberal women spend $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream at a ‘Rage Ritual Retreat.’ The bizarre wellness retreat is designed to help women deal with anger.
If a tree falls in the forest does it make any sound 🤪
Ann Smith
Give them a Xanax for now, then place a Bible in their hands.
The medication ain't working. Are any of these females married? Maybe that is why they are mad.
No missed two for one sale had to pay full price
Remember chairman Mao tapped into this . 😭 🤪 🥶
Boanerges Boanerges
Looks like something they would do in Hell...
A significant percentage of western women are mindless children, masquerading as adults.
A majority of western men tolerate or even facilitate it, because they are overcome by a spirit of fornication.More
A significant percentage of western women are mindless children, masquerading as adults.

A majority of western men tolerate or even facilitate it, because they are overcome by a spirit of fornication.
James Manning
I like your hot take, but I think its worse than that. Men are also subject to a spirit of effeminacy, the fear or unwillingness to suffer.
I don't disagree. Effeminacy is a daughter of lust.
James Manning
Never thought of it that way.
James Manning
Paganism. A really weird form of it.
Novena - Oremus
like an exaggerated caricature
It was a 'movement' in psychology a few years back, which has since been shown ineffective in resolving anger problems. Here's a resource which might be beneficial for some; Free Anger Management Activities
Novena - Oremus
The SSPX has a nice retreat center not far from New York (in Ridgefield, Connecticut), where they have periodical Ignatian retreats for groups of men and for groups of women.
All Saints
Aaaaahahahaha! Bet they all use that Lume stinky body crevice lotion. It was made for these freaks. Now get the nasty ads off my tv screen.