More than 50 years after the conclusion of Vatican II, widespread myths about what the Council said regarding the Mass and how it should be celebrated persist. Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, founder and editor …More
More than 50 years after the conclusion of Vatican II, widespread myths about what the Council said regarding the Mass and how it should be celebrated persist. Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, founder and editor of Ignatius Press, speaks with Ignatius Press president Mark Brumley to dispel those myths and explain how the Novus Ordo can—and should—be celebrated with reverence and beauty.
Robert P Hartley
This is a solution searching for a problem. The reality is that the vast majority of priests and Catholics that attend Mass don’t have any problem with the lack of reverence, the illegitimacy, the invalidity (per the bull Quo Primum Tempore and the dogmatic Council of Trent), of their favorite Novus Ordo Masses. Those that do have either left for the Traditional Latin Mass or have left the Church …More
This is a solution searching for a problem. The reality is that the vast majority of priests and Catholics that attend Mass don’t have any problem with the lack of reverence, the illegitimacy, the invalidity (per the bull Quo Primum Tempore and the dogmatic Council of Trent), of their favorite Novus Ordo Masses. Those that do have either left for the Traditional Latin Mass or have left the Church. The Novus Ordo crowd doesn’t feel threatened by the TLM crowd and the TLM crowd just wants to have the TLM and traditional sacraments. The solution is obvious. Since the Church has created two rites, then it needs to separate the two branches so that they can co-exist as equal members or rites of the Catholic Church. That is what has always been done in the past and it has worked very well.