
Francis Refused To Bless Dog

At the April 26 general audience, a lady, 50, opened a bag containing a dog and said, "This is my baby, please bless it.”

Francis insulted her (“So many children are suffering from hunger, and you bring me a dog to bless!”) and told the story at a May 12 conference on birth rates in the presence of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

He also said that, two weeks ago, his private secretary was in St Peter's Square, when a mother arrived pushing a pram. The priest, whom Francis called “tender”, went to bless the baby, but there was a dog inside.

Francis who has called the vicious abortionist Emma Bonino "a great Italian" and has attacked pro-lifers, suddenly acknowledges that the birth rate is central to the future of Italy and Europe. “Whether children are born is the most important indicator of a nation's hope.”

He insisted that "the most damaged are young women, often forced to choose between career and motherhood."

And, "Right now, women are slaves to this rule of work, which also prevents them from experiencing motherhood.”

Meanwhile, he is pushing for more women workers in the Vatican. But this is how Francis operates. Depending on the occasion, he says everything and the opposite of everything.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsMyxezpshks

Laura Yunque
A broken clock is right twice a day. Here, Francis gets it right.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There's no point in giving a blessing to a dog !
Arthur McGowan
Collectio Rituum.
Benedictio Animalium Gravi Infirmitate Laborantium.
Oh God, who provided men in their labors with the help of dumb animals, humbly we pray you that, since a human way of life is not maintained without these animals, they may not be lost to our use. Through Christ Our Lord. AmenMore

Collectio Rituum.

Benedictio Animalium Gravi Infirmitate Laborantium.

Oh God, who provided men in their labors with the help of dumb animals, humbly we pray you that, since a human way of life is not maintained without these animals, they may not be lost to our use. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Men are not women, pets are not children! While human have always taken care of their animals, they did start regarding them in terms of human atributes until cartoons in the early 1900's portrayed thems as human like.
Hound of Heaven
Conflicted on this one - having seen the growing number of 'childless by choice' couples and singles who demand that their particular pet be given the same status as an infant or child, and who are sickened by the thought of hunting baby seals while not given a thought to post-birth killing of human babies, the phrase "this is my baby" might be whimsy, euphemism, or a genuine, if deluded, belief on …More
Conflicted on this one - having seen the growing number of 'childless by choice' couples and singles who demand that their particular pet be given the same status as an infant or child, and who are sickened by the thought of hunting baby seals while not given a thought to post-birth killing of human babies, the phrase "this is my baby" might be whimsy, euphemism, or a genuine, if deluded, belief on the part of this woman and, as such, it is akin to many of the 'trans' demands we are currently hearing about, and as beloved as my dogs have been to me, I do not put them on the same plane as my children. On the other hand, given the frequency with which Francis appears to be overcome with compassion (genuine or otherwise) in all sorts of situations, it seems a fairly modest (albeit not quite kosher) request of the kind he normally is only to happy to accede to, (after all, his namesake seemed to bless all aspects of creation) it is surprising that he simply didn't just do it.
Mary 17
Maybe her dog is the only companion she has.