Live Mike
"The aim of the next synod, like the German one, seems to be the internal democratisation of the Church. [...] democracy in deciding dogma and morals, transformation of existing councils into deliberative assemblies, in order to achieve another Church, favouring a de facto SCHISM, even if not declared. So behind synodality, you find the same references that served to justify collegiality [...] …More
"The aim of the next synod, like the German one, seems to be the internal democratisation of the Church. [...] democracy in deciding dogma and morals, transformation of existing councils into deliberative assemblies, in order to achieve another Church, favouring a de facto SCHISM, even if not declared. So behind synodality, you find the same references that served to justify collegiality [...] It is the collapse of Catholic culture and a return to Babel. Now, with synodality, we go from tragedy to farce!" - Msgr. Nicola Bux [emphasis added with capitals & underscore]

The myth of synodality is a return to Babel

The preparatory document speaks of a synod aimed at a new humanism and “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions” with absolutely no mention of …
John A Cassani
If you replace the word “synod” with “soviet,” I think an accurate picture is painted.
Live Mike
I agree with you. Can you believe that "soviet" is derived from a Russian word meaning "council." Fr. Gregory Hesse mentioned it in one of his recordings. Spooky stuff, John.
John A Cassani
@Live Mike Spooky it is. Every Russian town had a soviet, and there were regional ones, and then the Supreme Soviet. The lower ranks always took their direction from the upper echelons. I think this synod is basically the establishment a “supreme soviet,” to institutionalize permanent revolution in doctrine and everything else.
J G Tasan
@John A Cassani --> ‘So be it’…???