
Neo-Cardinal: Italy's [Francis] Church Is Elitist, Ignores God

The Italian Church does not impress Jerusalem Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, whom Francis will soon make a cardinal [by mistake?].

"I see a fearful Church that has little courage” and “speaks little of God”, Pizzaballa told media activists in Jerusalem.

The Church must be attentive to the needs and priorities of man, “but the starting point is God", he insisted.

In a disintegrating society, the Church should give “serene orientation”, but instead “struggles to say a word of guidance.”

And: The [Francis] Church is preoccupied with many issues that concern only an elite but touch little on the real life of the people.

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQluemqqnfx

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Of course he's not a Catholic. he was appointed by Francis.
The Eastern rites Catholics see right through Pope Francis. They are not fooled.
John A Cassani
Some do. I’ve known some Melkites and Maronites who a quite mixed. They are usually pretty solid in matters of faith, particularly Marian doctrine. They can be pretty loose on morals. Pizzaballa is not Eastern Rite, though. He’s the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Good point! But, Perhaps Pizzabella being assigned to Jerusalem has made him aware of the importance of Apostolic Tradition in a more profound way.
Jeffrey Ade
Kind of obvious he isn't Catholic! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!