Gloria.TV News on the 10th of February 2017 Rigid Liberals: Pope Francis has received the collaborators of the Vatican magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, a respected outlet in the past, which in recent …More
Gloria.TV News on the 10th of February 2017

Rigid Liberals: Pope Francis has received the collaborators of the Vatican magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, a respected outlet in the past, which in recent years was turned into a mainstream rag. Francis called its collaborators to – quote – “remain in the open sea”, while in reality, the magazine is firmly anchored in the save haven of the rigid liberal establishment.

I Like It: The last issue of La Civiltà Cattolica published a transcript of a November question/answer session of Pope Francis during a closed-door meeting with 140 superiors of religious communities. At the beginning Francis confessed that – quote, “It is good to be criticized, I like it, always.”

Rigid Accusations: In one of his answers Francis said, “When they tell me that there is a Congregation that attracts many vocations this worries me”. He randomly accused such institutes of being – quote – “restorationist”, “triumphalist”, and – Francis’ favorite word – “rigid”. Francis found no bad words for the huge amount of liberal congregations engulfed in homosexual scandals.

A Banknote: Speaking about the money of religious congregations Pope Francis also told a joke, “Once it so happened that the sister responsible for the economical affairs fainted. A fellow nun who succoured her exclaimed: "Pass a banknote under her nose and she will certainly recover." A friend of Gloria.tv commented: This would work even better with a bishop.
Rigid Accusations: God is working against your own personal will and trying to smack you with a 2x4. Get with the TRUE picture.
Roberto 55
Pope Francis :“It is good to be criticized, I like it, always. ”Card. Burke knows it and many others too...
Rigid Accusations: >>>In one of his answers Francis said, “When they tell me that there is a Congregation that attracts many vocations this worries me”. He randomly accused such institutes of being – quote – “restorationist”, “triumphalist”, and – Francis’ favorite word – “rigid”. Francis found no bad words for the huge amount of liberal congregations engulfed in homosexual scandals.<<<
Rigid Accusations: >>>In one of his answers Francis said, “When they tell me that there is a Congregation that attracts many vocations this worries me”. He randomly accused such institutes of being – quote – “restorationist”, “triumphalist”, and – Francis’ favorite word – “rigid”. Francis found no bad words for the huge amount of liberal congregations engulfed in homosexual scandals.<<<
Perhaps he spoke of Medjugorje and other apparition sites as Lourdes and Fatima...The Roman clergy has admitted that in Medjugorje have been thousands of vocations and that millions of people have converted there.
The Queen of Peace came to the Franciscans in Medjugorje and gave their messages only to six adolescents.
But the Vatican recently controls Medjugorje and the messages, and Mirjana's messages are now translated by the Roman clergy.
There are also references that the confessions of pilgrims of these apparition sites are recorded in the Vatican:
min. 22.00:
It´s a downside that the visionary Mirjana don´t answer any questions for the public and that the visionary Jakov passes his messages only to the Vatican.
The Vatican must be also worried about foreign travels of the visionaries, because they prohibits to have public apparitions there.
Holy Cannoli
A Banknote:
Speaking of Catholic clerics and money...
A farmer by the name of Roberto lived alone outside of Salerno except for a pet dog he loved very much. The dog finally died and Roberto went to his parish priest Fr. Guido saying "Father, my dog has died. Could you possibly be saying a mass for the poor animal?"
Fr. Guido told the farmer "No, we can no avva services for da pooch in da church,…More
A Banknote:
Speaking of Catholic clerics and money...
A farmer by the name of Roberto lived alone outside of Salerno except for a pet dog he loved very much. The dog finally died and Roberto went to his parish priest Fr. Guido saying "Father, my dog has died. Could you possibly be saying a mass for the poor animal?"

Fr. Guido told the farmer "No, we can no avva services for da pooch in da church, but I tella you what, there's a new denomination about a mile uppa da road, and der is no telling what dey believe in, but maybe dey will doah something per il vostro cane.”

Roberto said "I go right now. By the way, do you think $5,000 is enough to donate for the service?"
Father Guido replied "Why didn't you tell me your dog was Catholic?!" 😀
Donc il ne faut pas tout restaurer dans le Christ, il ne faut pas qu'il règne, cela serait triomphaliste, il ne faut pas défendre la foi immuable, c'est trop rigide, place à l'église casher, halal, biocompatible...........