
Jesuit Perversion Without End

Jesuit Fordham University will host the gay propagandist, Father James Martin, S.J., on September 5. Martin will be joined by Patrick Hornbeck, Fordham’s theology department chair, who contracted a gay pseudo-marriage one day after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its controversial ruling on marriage.

Father Martin believes that the Church has misunderstood God’s plan for human sexuality for her entire history and that she must now switch to Martin's new teaching.

Picture: James Martin, S.J. © Shawn, Flickr, CC BY-NC, #newsHmtkjjsoyk
The only misunderstanding is the fact that this Judas priest misunderstands Jesus Christ as did Judas!
Maudie N Mandeville
amni jane
Modernism amounts to an abdication of personal intelligence and moral responsibility. The membership in daily practice follow its leaders with an idolatry and self-surrender into perversity and anger. We are all praying for you.More
amni jane

Modernism amounts to an abdication of personal intelligence and moral responsibility. The membership in daily practice follow its leaders with an idolatry and self-surrender into perversity and anger. We are all praying for you.
Parents, please don't send your children to ,"Catholic" colleges. They will lose the faith and wind up in hell.
Roberto 55
Martin Luther belived that Church has misunderstood God's plan too...
Dr Bobus
He is a son of Karl Rahner
open mind open heart, the world is changing and it demands caution and deep reflection. we are all children walking around think we KNOW the mind of God. A bit of humility perhaps.
vandlent shares this
Margareth melo