
Homosex Harms Health

Only 60% of Austrian homosexuals describe their state of health as good or very good (general population/GP: 74%), writes a report published by the Austrian Minister of Social Affairs and Health Johannes Rauch (Green Socialist). It was prepared with the help of several homosexualist organisations. Rauch claims that “discrimination” is making homosexuals sick, while they have been privileged for decades. Homosexual sins can be related to STDs as well as various addictive behaviors. 29% of homosexuals rated their health as mediocre (GP: 19%), and another 11% as poor or very poor (GP: 6%). 45% of homosexuals report an illness that has lasted at least six months. In 29%, a doctor has diagnosed a depression (GP: 6%).

De Profundis
Not surprising. A study found that 29.6% of people with gender dysphoria had a dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder). We should be getting these people help for their disorder instead of mutilating them on demand. Dissociative symptoms in individuals with gender dysphoria: is the elevated prevalence real? - PubMed